Chapter 5

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Jack's POV


I walk back to the dorm, still giddy about the snowball fight. Honestly, I don't know how to feel about skating with Elsa. I feel like it might have felt too good. I've literally just met her. What's up with this connection I feel?

I see Kristoff and Eugine walking up to us, and I realize that I didn't see them at the game,"Hey, why did you miss the snowball fight?" I ask.

"Sven started to flip out for some reason, and Eugine had decided to help me." Says Kristoff. Sven is his beloved reindeer.

I smile."Ok. We'll have another one sometime for you two."

They smile, and we all step into the elevator, chatting. My mind drifts, and I remember that Elsa had said that she had wanted to talk later tonight, and I had gotten a great idea on how to meet her. I smile, excited. Afterwards, I add myself back into the conversation.

"Do you know why Sven flipped out?" I ask.

"He saw something." Says Kristoff.

"Wait, how do you know?" I ask.

"I can talk to him, I understand him."

We all stare at him blankly. Awkward silence ensues. "What? I can!" He says.

"Okay..." Says Eugine.

Kristoff roles his eyes,"Anyways...Sven told me that he saw something dark, something that immediately provoked his fear."

That doesn't sound good, I think. But that darkness and fear description sounds familiar. I shake my head. I can't think about that right now. "Well," says Bunny,"Let's just hope it's not as bad as it sounds."

We all agree, and as the elevator doors open, we split off and head to our different dorms. Once I'm inside, I pull out my schedule and read off what I have on each day. Tomorrow, Monday, I have my free class, physical activity, and a normal one on history. On Tuesday I have linguistics and ocean biology, and on Wednesday I have a Norwegian language class. On Thursday I have pre-calculus and my
other free class, self defense. I sigh and put the paper down. I lean back on my bed, and put my hands behind my head. "Hey mate, what's going on?" Asks Bunny, looking up and pausing his unpacking.

"Nothing," I say. But inside, I'm slightly worried. What is up with Sven having a problem with seeing something dark and sinister? And what about my familiarity with Elsa? There are lots of things that just don't make a lot of sense right now, and I don't like it.

Elsa's POV


"So are you dating anybody?" I ask Punzie, as we walk back to our dorm.

"Ya, I'm going out with this guy named Eugine."

"Hm. Was he at the snowball fight?" I try to remember him, but I can't seem to be able to.

She shakes her head,"Nope. But I got a message from him saying that he and a guy named Kristoff were helping with Sven, Kristoff's reindeer."

I nod as we step into our dorm. I sit down on my desk and reach into my bag, pulling my schedule out. I have physical activity and psychology on Monday, on Tuesday I have ocean biology and linguistics, on Wednesday I have French and advanced calculus, and on Thursday I have self defense. I set it down, feeling excitement build up at the aspect of getting back into life. After the hospital, I really had no friends. Coming here was basically the start of my life, of Anna's life, again. We can move on, forget about our pasts.

"Elsa?" Asks Punzie.


"Everyone on the floor always likes to go down and eat at the cafeteria. Wanna come?"

"Of course!" I say, and we head out of the door, where everyone is already waiting.

"Ready to go?" Says Esmerelda.

We all nod, and we head to the elevator, chatting happily.


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