Chapter 12

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Jack's POV


"Elsa!" I yell, rushing to her side. I lift her head into my lap. "Pitch." I say, venom in my voice."What did you do?"

He simply chuckles,"Like I said, I'm letting her see what she really is. A monster. Controlled by fear."

"She isn't any of those!" I yell angrily, directing my staff at Pitch. Ice sails out, but he deflects it.

"Oh Jack. You aren't quite as strong as you used to be. Haven't quite figured out the power in your ice, have you?" He laughs."I'm slightly disappointed Jack. I thought that you at least would have some sort of strength. But you are weak, every single one of you, are weak. Afraid." Then, out of nowhere, he makes a bunch of those nightmare horses that I had seen in my dream. Then, they all run straight at me. Using my staff, I freeze a few, and then I fly into the air. Many others follow me, and I fire a huge arch of ice at them. I am consumed with anger right now. These stupid horses, Pitch, what he had done to Elsa...


I look down and see her sleeping face, beautiful and peaceful. I fly down to her, but am stopped by more horses. They don't attack, they just hold me back, like a wall.

I really hate these things. And I know that I've felt that way before.

Pitch slowly saunters over to Elsa, and he looks up at me, smiling,"Oh, look at dear Elsa's face. So happy, so, peaceful."

I can almost here the horses snicker. Pitch is right next to Elsa now. He nudges her face with his foot."Don't touch her!" I yell. Ok, that might make it seem like I have a crush on her, which I don't, it's just, I feel like sort of a brother to her, ok? I don't feel that way yet. Ya.... Anyways, I try with all my might to get passed the horses, but it is no use.

"Oh, by the way, like the little show with that girl? In the stables? It was quite funny to watch all of your faces, full of fear. Well, I didn't really do it, but someone else who takes pleasure in what I do did it. She is quite magnificent."

The horses snicker again. Ok, that's just creepy. "Ha ha," I say, mock laughing him,"It was really hilarious." Then, I recall something that he had said earlier. I could be even stronger. I then get a very small flashback thingy, of Pitch, standing on a huge circle of sand. Then, I see me, I'll call him Jack. Jack flies up to Pitch, and, he points his staff at him, and a huge amount of ice erupts from the staff. The ice freezes the sand, destroying it all. I snap out of my little vision, and I know what to do. I mean, after seeing that, wouldn't anyone? I focus on all my anger, I focus on how annoying these horses are, and then I let it all out. A huge, ice blast erupts from my staff, and it sails towards Pitch. It hits him square in the chest, and he staggers backwards.

I fly straight towards him, my staff raised, yelling like a maniac. He then makes his classic giant axe thing, lifts it up, and charges me.

Elsa's POV


My eyes snap open, and I see that I am in a huge room. It takes me a moment to realize that it's made of ice. I stand up slowly, and look at my arms. I can sort of see through them. I must be having a flash back. I look around, and notice that I am in a huge castle, but it is not the other one I had seen myself in. This one feels more lonely, more cold.

Suddenly, I hear shouting and footsteps. I look up quickly, my eyes wide and alert, and see Elsa, from the past. She is wearing the same blue gown I had seen earlier, and she looks frantic. She runs into the room, followed by Jack. They stand in the middle of the floor, and Elsa says,"We're trapped!"

"Well, then we have to use our powers!" Says Jack.

Elsa's face suddenly looks worried, but she just purses her lips and stays quiet. Suddenly, two men run up, both holding crossbows."Stay away from me!" Yells Elsa, but the men don't listen to her. One fires an arrow at Elsa, and she isn't ready. She lifts her hands to cover her face, and Jack takes action. He creates a small wall of ice between Elsa and the arrow. It only gets halfway through the wall, and it is now inches from her face.

Jack takes care of the first guy, while Elsa turns to the other. He had his bow raised, aimed straight at Elsa. He doesn't get a chance to fire. Elsa, using her ice, knocks the weapon out of the man's hands, and, as he tries to run away, creates two small walls on either side of him, so he can't run. Then, she sends another wall, and it is moving towards him. It starts to push him to the balcony, where he will fall. Jack turns, and I see that he had trapped the other guy on the wall, an icicle inches from his throat. When he sees what Elsa is doing, his eyes widen,"Elsa stop!" Elsa turns around, and looks around, and she sees what she has done. Suddenly, everything goes black again.

My eyes snap open, and I feel the wind against my skin. I look down, and see that we are hundreds of feet above the ground. I gasp, and take hold to whatever I can quickest...which happens to be Jack's neck. He looks down,"Your awake!" He says, smiling.

"Yup. But right now, I sort of wish I wasn't." I say.

He laughs. "It's scary at first, but don't worry, you'll get used to it."

"Wait," I say,"Are you flying?"

"Well, duh!" He says.

I roll my eyes."Where are we going? What happened to Pitch?"

He shrugs, and I say,"Did you guys fight?"


"Did you beat him?"

"Uh, ya!"

"O," I say.

"So...what did you have a flash back about?"

I explain the whole story to him, and he says,"Wow, you are powerful."

"Well, I used to be."

He shrugs,"You can again. But not now. I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted."

"Ya, me too," I say, and we fly back to the dorms. But I keep thinking,"Why does Jack always seem to be in all my flashbacks?


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The Cold Never Bothered Me AnywayOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora