Chapter 21

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Anna's POV


I run out of the door leading into the girls' dorm, and immediately start to sprint to the boys' dorm. My heart beats hard in my chest, and I find it harder to breath. Jasmine is one of my friends; I don't want anything to happen to her.

Upon reaching the doors, I fling them open, and see that the dorm guard isn't even there. This seriously must be bad.

I hear a bunch of voices, and run in that direction. When I get there, my heart leaps into my throat.

There is a circle of people surrounding a few in the center. I push my way to the front, and see Kristoff, who gives me a reassuring smile. But I can still see the fear in his eyes.

My eyes leave the gorgeous boy, and my eyes drift to Jasmine, who does not look like Jasmine. Her eyes are more red than brown. She has a horrible, twisted smile on her face, and a knife in hand. And most importantly, and strangely, she has a red locket wrapped around her neck. It seems to glow, just like her clothing.

Her knife is currently pointed at Aladdin, her boyfriend. What? I'm pretty sure that when you are in love with someone, you don't want them dead.

I guess there are somethings we can't explain. Well, more like I can't explain.

A few people are wearily standing by Jasmine, trying to coax her to calm down. But she won't.

One man bravely tries to take her knife away, but she turns around and flips him onto his back, where he lays on the floor, groaning. The two other men take action, grabbing her thin waist, and thrusting her away from Aladdin. She struggles, and for a few seconds, I think that they might actually succeed.


Jasmine drives the knife into one of the men's leg, and he let's go of her. She then turns and slams the palm of her hand onto his jaw, and he stumbles back, clearly dazed.

I don't know why I do what I do next, but I've made many rash decisions, trust me. Especially in these little dreams I've been having lately. I have to talk to Elsa about that.

I burst forth from the crowd and charge at Jasmine, who's attention is back on Aladdin, who's currently in no shape to defend himself. No, I can't let someone die here.

She raises her knife, and I can see the muscles in her arms preparing to strike. But before she can, I run into her, grabbing her waist and driving her to the ground. The knife clatters against the floor and ends up far away from us. Jasmine grabs me and puts me under her, where she attempts to pummel me. I block my face with my hands, but it still hurts. After what seems like an eternity, a few other boys and Mr.Beast drag her off of me, and I role onto my side, taking deep breaths.

"Are you alright?" Says Bell, who reaches down and helps me stand. Her voice is full of worry.

"Ya. I-I'm fine."

"No, you look a little dazed. Let's bring you to the infirmary. It won't be for long."

I think about protesting, but I give in. I really don't feel too great. I nod, and she puts her arm around me and steers me away. I look over my shoulder to see someone drive some sort of syringe into Jasmine's neck, and she immediately slumps over, asleep. The necklace hanging on her chest still makes me feel uneasy though. There is some magic to it, and I know it. I can feel it.

And I know that this isn't the first time I've dealt with magic.


Hi guys! I'm so sorry for not updating! I was really busy this week! But I'm good now! I have a long car ride ahead of me! So I have enough of time for writing. I'll update soon, and I think that Elsa's POV will be next. Thanks guys for reading! Remember to comment and vote! Sorry for the short chap!


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