Chapter 9

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Jack's POV


I wait patiently by the frozen river, tying my laces for my skates. When I finish, I look up, and see Elsa running my way, a smile on her face. I get up and walk to her, my classic smirk on. I don't know why, that's just how I always smile. When she gets here, she is out of breath,"Sorry it took me so long," she says.

"That's ok," I say,"Ready?"

She nods, and we swiftly step onto the ice and skate slowly down the long path."So...," I begin,"About last night..."

"Jack,"she says,"I really have no idea how the whole snow ball thing happened, I really don't. So for now, can we just talk about, you know, him?"

I nod,"Sure."

She looks at me expectedly,"So, about the guy..."

I get out of my trance. I had been staring at her icy eyes, thinking about how much they look like mine, how beautiful they are.

"O. Oh ya, right. So, you know how I had seen him in one of my dreams?"

Elsa nods,"Well," I continue,"In the dream, I was fighting him. He was dressed in black, surrounded by dark sand. He had golden eyes that glowed in the dark, and he was fighting me with the black sand, making all kinds of things with it. But the thing that he mostly made was the nightmare horses."

"How did you fight him?" Asks Elsa.

"Well, this is really, a, out of the blue, but, well..." I look at my staff,"Well, you know this?" I ask.

She looks at it,"Ya."

"Well, I was shooting ice out of it, freezing the nightmares and attacking the guy with it."

She seems to consider that,"Wait, you saw all of this in a dream?"

I nod. "Wow," she says,"That's weird."

"What's weird?" I ask her.

"Well, it seems like we are all having really strange visions/dreams. And we all have seemed to have lost our memories. Every singly one of us."

What? Who else? How did she know this? "Who else have had those things?"

"Well,"says Elsa,"Punzie has all of these paintings in her room. They show her with extremely long, blonde hair that is glowing."

"That is weird," I say,"But what if it's just a normal dream?"

"I don't think it was. Normal dreams aren't clear, they aren't vivid. She painted it with so much detail.No, her dream seems to be like my vision. Your dream too. Also, I bet they aren't even visions. They seem more like, flashbacks. From our past. Before our 'accidents'."

I am suddenly hit with a mysterious and uneasy feeling."What's-" I'm cut off when we hear an ear splitting scream. Diagonally ahead. The stables. Where Sven had freaked out. Elsa turns to me,"The stables," she says, and we both skate as fast as we can in the scream's direction. Once we get closer, we get out of the river and take off our skates. Then, we sprint through the snow to the stables. When we get there, we see that already many people are there. Elsa and I push our way to the front, and we see an unconscious girl lying on the floor, and a spinning wheel right next to her. Then, out of nowhere, the wheel disappears.


Hehe cliff hanger!


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