Chapter 14

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Jack's POV


Elsa stands frozen where the apple girl had disappeared. Elsa looks at everyone, her eyes wide. Then, Mr.Beast pushes through the crowd, followed by Bell. When he sees the apple and Snow White, he says,"It can't be!" Under his breath. I want to ask him what he means, but I know that I can't. Not right now. Elsa walks back into the crowd, and stands next to Punzie.

"Rapunzel!" Says Mr.Beast,"Follow me."

She nods, but before she can walk away, I see Elsa grab Punzie's arm. I can tell she's saying something, but I can't make out the words. Punzie shakes her head, and walks away, leaving Elsa alone as she watches her friend leave.

"Listen up everyone! Class has been cancelled. Until we figure this out, you cannot be alone on campus. You must always be with someone."

There are some murmurs of agreement, and people slowly start to disperse. Except for Elsa, who is still watching Punzie walk away. I walk up to her and decide to play a little trick on her to brighten her mood. I creep up slowly behind her, and yell,"WHAT is wrong?!" As I grab her ribs.

She jumps, and turns, glaring. But when she sees that it is me, her expression softens. "Oh, hi." She says.

"Uh, hey," I wave in front of her face, which has started to zone out again. "Elsa, hello! What's wrong?"

She snaps out of it,"O, it's just, Punzie went again with Mr.Beast when another bad thing happened. I asked her what she was doing, but she told me she couldn't say. Then she just, walked away."

I nod,"Are you ok? You kinda seem, I don't know, dazed."

"I'm just shocked, I guess."

"Well, let's get your mind off of it then."

She looks up, and I start to pull her outside."Jack..." She says,"What are you doing?"

"You'll see!" I say, excited to get my "revenge" on Bunny, but really, the guy is just fun to play tricks on. When I get closer to him, I pick up a snowball, and, with my surprisingly good aim, hit him smack in the forehead. He looks shocked for a second, and Elsa and I can't hold back our laughter. "Jack!" He yells, and when he sees me, he immediately makes a snowball. Uh oh. But I decide to make this fun. "Snowball fight!" I yell, and Elsa and I immediately make snowballs.

Elsa has a surprisingly good arm, and a good aim, because she throws the snowball right at Eugine's face. Afterwards, I see her make another, without getting close to the snow. She is using her ice powers. I know she can feel my eyes locked on her, so she averts my gaze for the moment. Only a few people know about my ice powers. Elsa, because I had flown her back and she had had a flashback, Eugine, Bunny, Kristoff, and North. I felt like I had to tell him, he is my RA, after all. I had figured out that I had ice powers soon after my coma. I was walking around with my staff, which I always seem to like to hold, and then it had suddenly started to turn to ice. Then I started flinging it around, and you can probably guess what happened then. I know that I can only use my powers with it, but I still

can give snow my "magic touch."

Elsa's magic is different though. She doesn't need anything for her powers. I, however, use the staff. It seems she can just do everything with her hands. I want to help her with her powers, teach her how to control them. I know that it is hard to control the ice, especially when you first start. I remember that the first time I flew, I just fell out of the sky. Luckily, a few trees caught me. I know that Elsa's powers might be more powerful than mine, but in a different way. I won't pester her now, all the whole Snow White and Aurora stuff is probably bothering her, but I can't just wait forever.

I'll ask her soon, but not now.

We continue our snowball fight, laughing, hitting each other smack in the face with the snow, forgetting about our problems for the time being. I absolutely love having fun. Goofing off, all of that irresponsible stuff. Fun just seems to be...I don't know. For some reason, I always insist on it happening.


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