Chapter 10

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Elsa's POV


My eyes widen as I see the young girl unconscious on the ground. Punzie runs up next to me, her hand covering her mouth. I hold her other hand, trying to reassure her. The girl on the ground has long, wavy, blonde hair, and she is really pretty. She is wearing a simple blue coat and jeans. "Who is she?" I ask Punzie.

She shakily removes her hand from her mouth,"Her name's Aurora. She's only sixteen. Today's her birthday."

Well that's unfortunate. I bend down to get a closer look. She's still breathing, so she's not dead."She's alive," I say, and everyone heaves a relieved sigh. I put my hand to her forehead, and feel that it is cold, but not as cold as it would be if she was dead. Her skin is pale, and she is breathing very slowly. I feel her pulse;slow, but it hasn't stopped. It seems like she is in a coma.

Suddenly, Mr.Beast enters, with his wife, Bell. He crouches down next to me, and says,"What happened?"

"I," I say,"I don't know. We heard a scream, and then when we got here, she was like this."

He nods,"Rapunzel, Bell, please follow me." He then swoops the girl into her arms, and then he walks out of the stables, followed by Punzie and Bell.

"Everyone!" Yells Mr.Beast,"Please head back to your dorms."

Everyone starts to walk away, but I see Jack lingering. I walk over to him,"Hey, why aren't you going?" I ask, even though I know what he is doing.

"I need to look around," He says. "We can't just go back and wait for something else to happen."

At first, I hesitate. But then I realize that he is right. He turns to walk away, but I walk up to him and grab his arm,"I'm coming with you."


"Don't you dare say it's too dangerous. I'm coming with you whether you like it or not." I say, my hands on my hips.

He looks like he wants to protest, but he keeps his mouth shut. He sighs,"Ok, come on." He turns, and I follow him.

"Where are we going?"

"To where I saw myself fighting him in my dream." He says.


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