Chapter 23

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Elsa's POV


Anna opens the door leading into my room, followed by Tooth, Astrid, and Merida,"Ready to get ready?" She says.

I nod, and they all step inside to join Punzie and I. Astrid looks around and says,"Wow."

Yup, wow.

The whole room has been turned into a beauty salon. Punzie and I have set up four stations: hair, which I'm leading, makeup (Tooth), dressing (which Anna will help out with), and nails, which Punzie will do. Astrid and Merida didn't really volunteer.

Everyone's hair is blown dry from a shower, and we are all in robes. Punzie turns on the music she has set up, and we begin.

Anna comes to my station first, and I put her hair up in a braid that wraps around her head after I comb it,"So, were you asked to the dance?" I ask playfully.

She doesn't respond at first, but when she does, her voice if full of excitement,"Yes!"

"Really? Who?!" I respond, feeling like a little girl again.


I gasp, and give her a hug from behind her, and she giggles,"Make sure you make me look good."

"I will."

There a few more moments of silence while I work, until Anna says,"So, did you get asked?"

I blush, giving away the answer. She squeals in delight, and everyone's attention turns onto us,"Who?!"

"Jack," I say quietly, and I'm 100% sure that my cheeks are majorly tomato red.

Everyone says,"Awe," and I can't help from giggling. O the life of a college girl.

Once I've done everyone's hair, I do my French braid, and put little ice crystals in it, secretly of course. I look stunning, I have to admit. I'm wearing purple eyeshadow and red lipstick that Anna absolutely insisted on me having. And, of course, I'm wearing my ice dress and shoes.

We hear a knock on the door, and I open it, seeing Hiccup, Kristoff, and Eugine standing waiting for there dates. All of my friends step out, even the ones without dates, but I stay. "Elsa, you coming?" Says Tooth.

I nod,"Ya. Jack said that he'll be here soon. He wants me to wait."

"Ok," she says, and all of them walk out and into the elevator.

I walk out onto my balcony, and wait for Jack to arrive. I close my eyes, wanting to feel the gust of wind that he brings. And I do. When I open them up again, Jack stands there, and, shocker, he's wearing his hoodie.

"Wow," he says,"You look, beautiful."

I blush, and then remember that I should complement him too,"Y-you look nice too," I say quickly.

He laughs,"Ya, this is the nicest I'll ever look. You know that I'll never wear a tux."

This time it's my turn to laugh,"Where did you get that dress? It doesn't look like an ordinary dress." He says.

"I made it," I say simply.

"Wait, using your ice powers?"

I nod,"Wow. Our powers are different." He tells me.

I want to ask why, but before I can, he swoops me into his arms, and I laugh. This feels like a comfortable position, like I could stay like this forever.

"Ready?" He asks, yielding his staff.

I nod, and he jumps into the air, and at first, I grip him tightly, panicking, but eventually, I feel safe. We land somewhere hidden, and Jack takes my hand and leads me to the party.

When we arrive, I stop in my tracks and stare at it. I've never been to a party; well, in this life.

Part of the dance is outdoor, part of it is indoor. The out door part is on a big, cobblestone area with a very thin layer of snow; this way, we can still dance. There are little hanging lights everywhere, illuminating the night. The ice river is open to those who want to skate, and a long table of punch and other drinks/food has been set up. Two DJ's stand off in the corner, playing all the latest songs, like Timber and such. Many kids are dancing, or just sitting down on the tables set up. I look inside the glass doors, and see pretty much the same thing. Except, of course, the snow.

"Come on!" Says Jack eagerly, and he pulls me on the dance floor, where we find Anna, Kristoff, Astrid, Hiccup, Toothless, Tooth, Merida, Punzie, and Eugine.

"Hey guys!" Says Anna, who looks like she's having the best time of her life.

"Hi," I say, smiling.

"Come on you two, dance with us!"

And that's exactly what we do. For hours and hours it seems. Half way through, I have to take off my shoes.

"Hey, wanna get a drink?" Asks Jack.

I nod,"Sure, let's go."

We walk over to the punch table and get a drink. "This is great." I say contently.

He nods,"Ya, especially with you here."

I look at him, shocked. I never get complements like that. Never.

"Jack?" I say.

He nods,"Thank you. For everything." I say.

"Why are you thanking me?"

I shrug,"It's just, I-"

I don't finish. I find that I don't want to.

Jack starts to lean in. So do I. Right before our lips meet, I tilt my head slightly and close my eyes. Then I have my first kiss, and probably the best I'll ever have.

Though his body is cold, his lips aren't. They are warm and soft. I put my arms around his neck and he pulls me closer.

After what seems like a few minutes, we pull away, blushing, and he puts his forehead on mine.

"Well folks! You all ready for some slow dancing?" Says one of the DJ's.

Jack looks at me, smiling, and he pulls me back out on the dance floor. Immediatly, a song begins to play, the piano ringing through the air, filling my head.

Bringing memories.

I feel faint, and my knees buckle.

"Elsa!" Yells Jack, catching me before I fall.

The last thing I hear are the familiar words sung in a familiar voice,

"The snow glows white on the mountain tonight..."


Yay so I got some Jelsa in there!

I'll update soon! Please comment and vote!


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