Chapter 4

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Elsa's POV


We are shocked when we see all of the boys from floor 8 walk out of their dorm building. I see Jack walk out, not wearing a jacket, just like me. When he sees me, he waves, and I wave back,"What are they doing out here?" I ask out of the corner of my mouth to Punzie. I'm pleased, yet surprised.

"I don't know. Wanna ask?"

"Sure," I say, and we all walk on over to meet them,"Hey guys," I say,"What are you guys doing out here?"

"We are gonna have a snowball fight," says Jack simply,"Wanna join us?"

"We are having one too!" Says Punzie excitedly.

Merida speaks up,"Oi, we should have a boy vs. girl snowball fight!"

Everyone cheers, agreeing, and we all run to a big, open space that is right next to the same river I had fallen into earlier. Jack runs up next to me,"Hey Elsa."

"Hi Jack."

"So, uh, are you ok? I never got to ask how you'd fallen."

"Ya, I'm fine, I just had some sort of..." I trail off as a thin, Australian guy runs up next to us."Ello mate!" He says to me."I'm Bunny, and you are?"


"Hi! Well, Jack told me to be nice to you. Am I doing a good job?"

I could see Jack turning red. I laugh,"Yes, you are." I lean in close to Jack and whisper,"Hey, can we talk later?" I feel like I need to tell him about how I saw him in my black out. Maybe he knows something.

He nods,"But for now...let's have a snowball fight!"

Everyone cheers, and the RA's step up to name off the rules."This will be like dodge ball! And we are adding a twist to the end...whoever wins on both sides, meaning one boy and one girl, get to skate on the ice together...holding hands!"

Everyone laughs, and agrees. Esmerelda and North will be our referees. They set up a line, and girls and guys separate to different sides."GO!" Yell both Esmerelda and North.

We all frantically begin to make snowballs, but for me, it is really easy. I make the snowballs in a matter of seconds, and start chucking them at the boys, laughing maniacally. I get out Sandy, Quasimodo, and Olaf. I see that Pocohontas, Ariel, and Astrid are out too. The people left on the boys' side are Jack, Bunny, Toothless, Hiccup, and Eric. On the girls' side, it is me, Anna, Merida, Punzie, and Tooth. Jack throws a snowball at me, and Punzie dramatically jumps in front of me, yelling,"NOOOO!" She gets hit, and, me following her dramatic act, yell,"NOOOO! Punzie!"

"Go without me!" She yells, and roles to the side where the people who are out wait. Next, Tooth gets out, then Merida, who immediately picks up a snowball and chucks it at the person who got her out for good measure. On the other side, only Jack and Bunny are in, and only Anna and me are left. Bunny and Anna both throw snowballs at the same time, getting each other out. Me and Jack are the only ones left. Everyone cheers and lifts us up into the air, both Jack and I laughing. Then, after bringing us iceskates, set us down onto the ice.

Jack looks into my eyes, and smiles his  mischievous smile. I smile too, and laugh.

"Hold hands! Hold hands!" Everyone chants. I reach over, and grab Jack's hand in mine. Sure, it does feel strange, because I literally just met him today. But, these are the rules of this dorky game, so why not? And I do feel a special connection to Jack, whatever that may be. Whatever it is, I want to find out.

We start to skate flawlessly down the path, laughing and talking about our favorite movies and such. As we skate, I feel the air around me growing colder as the day comes to an end. But I don't mind. The cold never bothered me anyway.


There's the snowball fight! Please comment and vote!


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