Chapter 52

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Well, here we are at the last chapter! It's been a long, long, LONG ride, but thank you to those who stuck around! I will be going back and editing this story, mainly the beginning because I started this, like, 4 or 5 years ago??? Yea so let's just say my writing's improved since then. I also am hoping to write a prequel to this of Jack and Elsa's story back in Arendelle with their kid and stuff. When I do, I will post something on this story to let you guys know. Once this is more edited I will most likely transfer it to Fanfiction and AO3. That might not be for a while though, but I'll do my best. Thank you again, and let's get our characters home, shall we?

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Elsa's POV


The next two weeks pass by in a blur. 

We won. Finally. We beat Pitch, and he is now no longer a threat. However, that didn't mean that there wasn't a ton left to be done when we returned from Arendelle. 

Upon arriving, we immediately went to Mr. Beast's office to explain all that had happened. Although what we all had really wanted was a good, long nap, we understood that there were certain things that had to be taken care of first. Mr. Beast, as expected, took the news well, and immediately set to work on figuring out the best way to announce the truth to the rest of those trapped in this world, not before getting us all to go get some much desired rest. None of us complained. 

Jack opted to stay with me that night. I wasn't necessarily going to ask him, despite the fact that I wasn't really looking forward to being entirely alone, since Rapunzel was spending the night with Eugene. But in the end, I didn't need to ask. Jack knew. He always knew. 

And that night, he chased away the nightmares that woke me up in a cold sweat, a strangled scream ready to tear its way from my throat, with the same words, over and over. 

Hey, you're okay, you're safe, you're here with me. I'm not going anywhere. Never again. 

And I believed him with every ounce of my being. So I went back to sleep each time, slowly feeling the fear ebb away, until it was gone. 

The next couple of days were spent...recovering, in a way. Mr. Beast and the rest of the staff took care of the important stuff while we all rested. We tried our best to keep our minds off of what had transpired days ago with various games and activities. Hiccup and Toothless showed us tricks while flying through the air. Merida decided to prove that impossible shots with a bow and arrow were actually very possible, at least for her. Rapunzel, now completely free of the effects of escaping Pitch's illusion, had her fiery spirit back, much to all of our happiness, especially Eugene's. Olaf constantly played around with Sven, now simply a snowman, since Pitch's illusions were gone. Kristoff and Anna took care of Sven and joined in with us almost constantly. When they weren't with the group, they were together. Or, Anna and I would be together, walking along the river on campus, simply enjoying each other's company and the fact that we were both alive. Both alive and together, still, after everything. As it should be.

At the start of the second week, Aurora and Snow White woke up. Apparently, "true love's kiss" was the only cure to their predicaments. And while I would usually look at that and scoff, I now truly understand the power of love. Every time I see Anna smile or look into Jack's eyes I realize it all over again. So maybe it really isn't too hard to believe. 

The next couple of days were, to say the least, chaotic. After Pitch no longer held influence over this world, people's memories started to come back rather rapidly, and everyone was demanding an explanation. Mr. Beast gathered everyone in the main assembly hall to reveal the big news, how this was really a prison world, and our memories had been erased. Let's just say that didn't go over well with everyone. They all just learned that a good chunk of their lives had been ripped out from under them. I still remember the utter shock I'd felt at learning the truth; I didn't blame any of them for their reactions. 

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