The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway

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Chapter 1

Elsa's POV


I park my car, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath. I grip the wheel, my knuckles turning whiter. I feel a gentle hand on my shoulder, and turn to see my 18 year old sister, Anna, smiling warmly. I try to return it with a smile of my own, but all I can manage is a grimace.

Anna laughs,"Don't be so tense, Elsa. Everyone here is like us. They've lost everything, and have no where to go. We have nothing to be afraid of."

"Easy for you to say," I grumble,"You're a social butterfly. Everyone loves you the moment they see you. But me..."

"Ugh, Elsa, stop being so negative! If you're negative then that will happen! But, if your positive about things, then it will all be great!"

"Uh-huh," I say blankly,"Let's go."

I step out of the car and motion for Anna to do the same. We look ahead, and hold our breaths and the sight before us. North High. The school where those who have nothing left are accepted. That definitely fits Anna and I. We were in a major car crash that I don't even know who got us into. After me and Anna had been dragged from the wreckage, the paramedics had discovered that we both suffered major head and body injuries. And we no longer had our memories after the comas. We were kept in the hospital for days. Soon after, we received a letter from this school, telling us we had a free scholarship here. I had had no recollection of applying, and neither had Anna. But in the letter, they had said that they knew what had happened to us, and told us not to worry. Their school didn't require a whole application and a lot of money; those in need like us, they took in. Aside from the accident, we didn't have a whole lot of money, and our parents had been killed in a ship accident. They had loved to sail, but there was a storm, and their ship had disappeard. Everyone had known that they had drowned. I was only 18 at the time, and Anna was 15 . Now, I am 21, and Anna is 18.

From what I can see, the school is huge. Bigger than any campus I've ever laid eyes on. I can't see a whole lot, but I can tell the the buildings are giant.

I see Anna shiver, even though she is wearing her heavy jacket and jeans. I, however, am wearing jeans and a light blue short sleeved top, completely content. Anna looks over at me,"How in the world aren't you cold?"

I shrug,"I guess, the cold never bothered me anyway."

"You are weird how you never get cold."

I shrug again and walk towards the campus, even though I would much rather run the other way,"You coming?"

Anna nods,"Ya."

We both walk towards the huge doors, and I push them open,"Woah," says Anna, impressed by the room's size. I have to admit, I'm surprised too.

The room is huge, with what looks like 1000 kids, at least, in the room. I become even more nervous, because, well, as you can probably guess, I'm not the best at meeting new people. And there are plenty of new people here.

Anna must notice my sudden amount of more nervousness, because she reaches over and takes my hand,"Hey. It'll be ok. I bet you will find lots of friends here."

I nod and smile. What would I do without my amazing sister? If I ever hurt her, I don't know what I would do with myself...

I scan my surroundings. There are 16 lines positioned in front of a long desk type thing, probably for the 8 floors of the dorms, 8 for the girls, 8 for the boys. Me and Anna, of course, are in the girls' dorm.

Anna and I stand in the shortest line, and wait patiently for our turn. Eventually, after what seems like forever, we reach the front. There is a girl sitting at the desk before us. Her dark, curly hair is tied back in a pony tail, and she is wearing a simple purple and white dress. She raises her head and looks at us, beaming,"Hi! My name is Esmerelda, and what are your names?"

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