Chapter 31

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Elsa's POV


Nightmares. All night. And for some awful reason, I couldn't seem to wake up. I dreamed about what happened to Anna, and what happened with Pitch. My nightmares also included all my family and friends being injected with the dark sand. I guess that now, because of whatever Pitch did to me, I'll be having nightmares for a while.

I sit up abruptly, finally waking up. I can see that Punzie and Jack are still asleep. I breath heavily, and close my eyes tightly to stop the flow of tears when the weight of the events of the past night crushes me. I lay back down, hoping that my friends will wake soon.

As if on cue, Jack shifts his position, turning to face me. He opens his eyes, shining blue orbs looking back at me,"Good morning," I say.

"Mornin'," he says, still sleepy.

I see that his hair is extremely messy, cowlicks everywhere,"Your hair is very, uh, strange looking," I say.

He smirks,"But I'm still extremely cute, aren't I?"

I role my eyes as I shove him off the bed,"The sudden shoving gives me your answer," he says.

I glare at him, because he is really adorable. I just don't want to admit it.

Suddenly, the door opens, and Esmerelda walks in. Punzie immediately sits up, hair a tangled mess. Surprisingly, my hair isn't horrible. Jack sits up, still on the floor.

"We have a new rule that will be officially put into action in twenty minutes. You are not allowed to leave this dorm until further notice. Yes, I know that this will be frustrating, but it is just a precaution. If there is anyone you would like here, I suggest you go get them now."

"Eugine!" Exclaims Punzie. She leaps out of bed, grabs a brush, smooths her short hair in seconds, and moves fast towards the door, still in pajamas.

"Get Kristoff too please!" I call after her.

"Okay!" She says as she disappears down the hall.

Esmerelda continues,"We will bring food here from the cafeteria everyday. Today for breakfast we will bring pancakes. The food's coming right now. Also, I am very happy to say that we will continue the FC's. The first competition will be tomorrow. More information about it will be given later today. Oh, and Elsa," she looks straight at me,"Mr. Beast would like to speak with you. I'll have to escort you to the staff living quarters when you go to meet him, which will be for dinner."

I nod, curious about what the head of the school would like to say to me. Esmerelda walks out of the room, closing the door behind her. The door is immediately opened once again as Punzie opens it, striding into the room with Kristoff and Eugine following close behind. Kristoff has dark circles under his eyes, which are bloodshot. It is then that I remember that Kristoff is, or was, Anna's boyfriend.

I get up, walking quickly to him. I hug him tightly, knowing how he feels.


"So, Mr.Beast wants to speak with you?" Asks Merida, puzzled. She sits at the foot of my bed, a sandwich on her paper plate. We've decided that for meals and important talks, we'd all meet up in this room. Besides, it's the most comfy. Punzie and I both brought really comfy chairs, which Toothless and Hiccup now occupy. I sit on my now made bed, along with Punzie and Merida. Jack, Eugine, and Kristoff sit on Punzie's bed, eating very slowly to avoid spilling. Let's just say that Punzie threatened them before they began eating.

I set down my sandwich,"Ya," I say,"But I have no idea why."

"Do you think it's because of your, uh, powers?" Says Hiccup.

Earlier today, we had a conversation about each of our powers, past, and things special about us. I guess that that was not the first time they'd had that conversation.

I look at the dragon tamer, or more like A Dragon's Best Friend, and say,"Hmm, maybe."

He doesn't respond, instead he snatches up a couple of left over Oreos and a bag of chips. I do the same.

The door opens, and Esmerelda walks in, carrying a couple of flyers,"So, as you all know, tomorrow we will have our first floor competition, or FC. Here are the flyers and info on what you will be doing tomorrow. You will be going against the people on the third floor, and they have some guys with them too because of some visiting last night. It will be at night, at six o' clock." She says all of this as she hands each of us a flyer.

Hiccup grabs the paper,"What are we going to play exactly?"

"I was getting to that," says Esmerelda,"We will be having a nerf war. We will supply you with the guns you need. You will be trying to retrieve the other team's flag, will be one of those big and fat glow sticks. When you retrieve it, the game will be over, I'll give you more of the rules tomorrow." She turns and walks out of the room.

"Woah," says Jack," That sounds really awesome!" He exclaims , fist punching the air. Hiccup, Eugine, Toothless, and, surprisingly, Kristoff, all look extremely excited. Except that Toothless acts more like a dragon/dog while hanging his tongue out of his mouth. It really surprises me when he speaks, because he actually sounds pretty human. Hiccup looks at his dragon friend,"Hey bud, remember what I said about the tongue hanging? Remember, not everyone knows that you're a Nightfury." The dragon/human clamps his mouth shut, cocking his head and smiling at Hiccup. Hiccup sighs, face palming,"I really need to teach you how to act human." Toothless laughs, and I expected a slight roar/laugh, but it actually sounds normal. I'll never get used to that. And, despite everything, I smile, and say,"We are so going to win this thing."


At 6:15, I am ready to go have dinner with Mr.Beast. I am wearing a nice pair of jeans with a dark blue blouse, a black sweater around my shoulders. My hair is down, the blonde, wavy locks falling around my shoulders. I grab the handle to my door, and Punzie says,"Have fun!"

"Okay!" I call, closing the door behind me. When I turn, Jack stands there, his arms folded across his chest. He looks slightly guilty and mischievous,"So, uh, have fun," he says.

I walk over to him,"I will. And what's going on? You look,uh, like your going to cause some sort of trouble. Which," I add quickly,"Wouldn't surprise me."

He grabs his staff,"Hiccup and I are going to prank the Ding Dong trio and Hans and those peeps. Toothless wants to go too."

I put my hands on my hips,"What exactly are you going to do?"

"Well, uh," he rubs the back of his neck,"Toothless and Hiccup are planning on scaring them when Toothless turns into a dragon-"

I put my hand up,"Nevermind. I don't want to know."

He smiles just as Esmerelda walks up to us,"Ready?" She asks.

I nod,"Let's go."


Hi! Just saw How To Train Your Dragon 2!!!! So good!

Just to clarify, all the characters in this, if their movies have sequels, is before those sequels. So Hiccup isn't quite as hot as he is in the the second movie, but he is becoming that hot(-;

Stay tuned!


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