Chapter 2

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Elsa's POV


I step into the elevator of my dorm, and click the button with the number 8 on it. The elevator moves painfully slow, and it groans as it goes up. Wonderful!

But, I don't really mind. For the first time in forever, it seems like I made a friend. Jack Frost. I smile at the thought.

But, then again, I am slightly bothered by this whole thing. The vision, Jack, me seeming like I know him...which makes no sense because I just met him! But a voice in the back of my mind keeps saying,"Or have you?"

I shake my head. I can't think about this right now. I should only think about the excitement of going to this school and the prospect of a new friendship and life.

So I do. I throw all of those troubling thoughts out of my mind and focus on the positive, just like Anna instructed. We are here. Together. And though we have lost almost everything, we have one another. And I have a friend.

The elevator doors finally open, and I walk out. I take my room key out and search for room 345. I find it quickly; it's fairly close to the elevator. I shove the key into the keyhole and wrestle with it for a moment before successfully unlocking the door. I open open it up with difficultly, for it's pretty heavy.

I examine the room, which I already like for its coziness and comfortable feel that it gives. It is small, with two twin beds and two desks, two small closets, a mirror, and, surprisingly, a small balcony. Someone is already in here, with everything set up in a fun, carefree manner.

A girl with short, brown hair and stunning green eyes looks up from playing with a chameleon. Is she even allowed to have that? She wears a purple shirt and jeans, which are spattered with paint. I see some of her paintings hanging on the wall. They are beautiful and really realistic,"Uh, hi!" I say, waving down low by my ear shyly,"I'm Elsa Arendelle."

She smiles hugely,"My name is Rapunzel, but you can call me Punzie if you'd like!" The chameleon climbs up to her shoulder.

"And who is this?" I ask, walking over to her and picking up the chameleon and stroking its back.

"That's Pascal. He's not supposed to be here, but I couldn't just leave him behind." She tells me, looking at her pet with affection.

I laugh,"Don't worry, I won't tell." I look around the room,"Wow! Those are magnificent paintings! Where did you get those ideas?"

I see paintings with a girl, (which looks exactly like Punzie except for the fact that this girl has extremely long and blond hair), that is wrapping that hair around someone's hand, and it is glowing. Wow. I also see a painting with the same girl, looking out the window of some sort of tower, watching lanterns lift into the sky. Another is just of a tower, which is covered with flowers and vines.

"I see them in my dreams," she says quietly, looking at the canvases.

"Who's the girl?" I ask, pointing at the blonde.

"I'm not sure actually," she says slowly,"But, I think...that she was me. Before my accident. I-I don't know. Kind of an outrageous and ridiculous thought right?" She gives a laugh, but it's more sad and melancholy than happy.

Then I realize what she just said. Wait, what? She'd had an accident too? "Wait, you were in an accident? You lost your memory?"

"Ya, why? Did you?"

I nod,"Wow, that's weird. I mean, I guess it would make sense, this school accepts those people, but still. Our situations are so similar."

"Ya..." She trails off, but then she is smiling again,"I'll help you settle in."

With Punzie's help, I unpack. We put the new comforter, sheets, and pillows that I had bought onto the bed and place all of my clothes and shoes in the closet. We then set up my desk with all the right materials, and I place the picture of my family before the boat accident on the small night stand.

"Who's that?" Punzie asks, pointing to the picture,"Your family?"

"Ya," I say, gazing at it sadly, but also with love and happiness,"Before my parents died in a boat accident. That's my sister, Anna, she goes here you know. She's in the room right next to our's."

Rapunzel's mood has become much more sad than before,"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"No, no, you didn't do anything wrong. Really. It's better I talk about them sometimes, you know? So that they don't just fade away."

Punzie nods and smiles, but I know that she feels bad still. I smile, give her a quick hug, and finish setting up.

When that's done, I push my suit case under my bed. Suddenly, I hear a familiar voice yell,"Students! I would like you to come listen to the rules for the floor if you haven't already."

"Come on!" Says Punzie," That was Esmerelda, the RA. You've probably already met her," and she practically roles off of her bed. I smile, and follow her out.

We enter a room that says,"Meeting Room," and sit down on some comfy couches. Esmerelda is in the front of the room,"Hi guys! Now, can you all please stand up and introduce yourselves? With your roommate?" I see Anna with a girl with very untidy orange hair wearing a green t-shirt and jeans stand up. Anna introduces herself, and the other girl says that her name is Merida.

"That's my sister," I whisper to Punzie, and she makes a big "o" with her mouth.

Then, two other girls stand up, one with hair that had been dyed purple/green/blue. She is wearing a blue tee and jeans. She says that her name is Tooth. The other girl has blonde hair and is wearing a gray sweatshirt with jeans, who's name is Astrid (from how to train your dragon). One of the next girls who stands has long, red hair, and her name is Ariel, and she is wearing a pink, casual dress. Her roommate introduces herself as Pocohontas, and she is also wearing a casual dress, but her's is brown. Then, it is my turn to stand. I do, and give a small wave,"Hi, my name is Elsa Arendelle."

"And I'm Rapunzel, but just call me Punzie."

Esmerelda smiles, and then continues to speak,"If you don't know already, my name is Esmerelda. Well then! Now that we are all introduced, I will go over the rules. Now, since you are all below you junior year, you cannot have any boys in your dorm past 9:00. Also, if you or a friend are sick or not well in any way, please tell me. Also, each month we will be having a competition between the floors, and whoever from both dorms wins the semi-championship gets to play the other dorm, the boys, and that will decide who's champion." Everyone looks excited about that. "Also, we will have meetings every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I know that none of you have any classes on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so we will just hang out and play games on those days." Everyone cheers, and I smile happily. This seems to be turning out great so far, "Well," Esmerelda continues,"That's it! You can just go do whatever you want."

Everyone walks out of the room, chattering excitedly. The whole floor decides to go down and have a snowball fight, and we all go to get ready.

Once we all are together in the hallway again, everyone else besides me are wearing some sort of coat. Punzie walks up to me,"Wait a minute. You're not gonna wear a jacket?"

I shake my head,"I like the cold."

"Wow." Says Punzie, smiling as we start walking,"Thats weird, but cool at the same time."

We step into the elevator, excited for the snowball fight. But something is nagging at the back of my mind. Two words, playing through over an over,"Jack Frost," it whispers,"Jack Frost."


Hi guys! The next chap will be the snowball fight, and the guys will be there too, and Jack's POV will be included.


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