Chapter 13

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Elsa's POV


I wake up the next morning, still exhausted. I don't even remember how I got there. O, ya, the whole Pitch scene. I slowly get out of bed, stretching. I pick up my schedule, and see that my classes today are biology and science. Yippee!

Punzie also has biology in the morning, so we both walk to the class together. I am shocked to see Jack, Kristoff, Eugine, and Bunny walking to biology. For some reason, I feel uncomfortable, and avert Jack's gaze. Does anyone know that we had been "out" last night? I hope not. "Hey guys,"Says Jack, and Punzie and I say,"Hey."

"You guys have biology too?" Asks Eugine. We all nod."Cool!"

We all walk to the classroom, and I sit in between Jack and Punzie. The teacher begins to drone on in a monotonous tone, and I'm pretty sure Punzie and I are the only ones listening. I see Jack pretend to drop his pencil, and he goes under his desk and ties Bunny's shoelaces together. Eugine is asleep, and Kristoff is writing all over Eugine's face in pen. I mean seriously, it seems like teachers never notice anything.

When the lesson is done, Kristoff smacks Eugine awake and we all stand up. I can see Jack holding back a laugh as he watches Bunny stand. When the Australian guy gets out of his chair, he immediately falls flat on his face. Jack starts to laugh uncontrollably, and the rest of us laugh too."Frost!" Yells Bunny as Jack runs out of the room. Bunny tries to get up, but falls again. He ends up taking off his shoes, stuffing them in his bag, and racing after Jack. What jokesters.

It is close to noon, so we decide to go to the cafeteria. On the way there, I see Jack running away from an angry Bunny. As they are running, Jack slips and falls. At first, Bunny looks triumphant, but, he then skids on the slippery cobblestone ground. He ends up tripping over Jack. Jack stands up laughing, and Bunny stands up, and immediately throws a snowball at Jack's face."To be continued," says Jack, a smile on his face, and the two boys walk over to us.

"Boys," I say, rolling my eyes.

Jack laughs, and we all step into the cafeteria. A lot of people are in there. A girl holding a basket of apples walks up to us. She seems about my age,"Apples anyone?"

"No thanks," we say, and she nods and walks off to the a girl next to us, everyone nicknamed her Snow White. When the girl offers her an apple, she says yes, and takes the only red one inside. I turn away to talk to Punzie, but then hear a scream, again.

I whirl around, and see that Snow White is on the floor. An apple with one bite into it lies on the floor close to Snow White's hand. I look up from the girl and see that the apple selling girl is laughing. In anger, I run straight towards her, but when I reach her, she disappears into thin air. I take deep breaths, and turn to see many scared and worried faces.

This all seems to be part of Pitch's plan. And it's working.


Please comment and vote! I'll have the next chap be in Jack's POV


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