Chapter 3

344 8 0

Jack's POV


I walk into my dorm's elevator after the sliding doors open up for me and hit the button that reads the number 8. Yes! The highest floor! I don't even know exactly why, but I just like that I'm all the way at the top. I'm just weird like that.

The elevator is painfully slow, and I have to wait for it to go up for forever. But, really, I don't mind. I can happily stand here forever thinking about the excitements of a new college year. You know how by the end of a school year, you are absolutely sick of it and all you want is for it all to be over? Same here. But you know how at the beginning of the year, for some reason, we are all excited? Ya, I know, it's just strange.

This is my second year here; I'm a sophomore. The reason I came to this school? Same as everyone else. I lost every thing. No family, home, nada. Zilch. It was hard to accept at first, waking up and being informed that they'd all been killed in a blizzard up on a mountain riding snowmobiles. I, however, survived. How? No idea. At first, I'd almost wished that I hadn't. But now, I've come to appreciate life, and I've decided that I will live for all those that I have lost.

I have regained some of my memories. I often receive visions.

But the new girl, Elsa Arendelle, well, I can't get her out of my head. I've seen her in my visions; in a palace, in a beautiful kingdom. None of it makes sense. For some reason, I feel like I know her, her personality, the way she laughs, her messy braids, her likeness to me...but how? How would I know her? Before the accident, that's for sure.

The doors open, interrupting my thoughts. I sigh and walk into the long hallway with rooms. Mine is 345, and I'm not sure who my roommate is. Last year, I lived in a single, but I chose a double this time. I mean, I'd rather not be alone.

I walk up to my room and fish my key out of my pocket before unlocking it. My eyes rest on a tall, thin, strong looking guy sitting on his bed, turning a boomerang over and over in his hand. He looks up.

"Uh, are you my roommate?" I ask him, leaning on my staff.

"No mate. I'm in the same room with you but I'm not your roommate," he says with a strong Australian accent, obviously sarcastically. But he displays a friendly smirk on his face.

I grin before rolling my eyes. I walk up to him and shake his hand,"The name's Jack Frost, you?"

"Just call me Bunny," he says.

I laugh,"What kind of name is that?"

"Don't ask, my parents probably hated me. I'm not sure. Lost my memories," he says as he taps his head with the boomerang,"Or it could be a nickname. No idea."

"Wait, how?" I ask, completely ignoring his whole name explanation even though I was the one to ask him to explain,"The same happened to me, don't remember a thing, pretty much." I say.

"Some sort of head injury. Hit in the head with a boomerang I heard." He is still holding the weapon.

"Uh, that one?"

"Not sure. Maybe?"

I nod. He points at me,"What's your name again?"

"Jack Frost."

"Hm, Jack Frost, Frost." He says, almost under his breath. After a few seconds, he leans in and takes a close look at me,"Have I seen you before?"

"Uh, I don't, I don't think so..." I say, leaning back so as not to be so awkwardly close to his face.

"Hm," he says,"Strange. So, Jack Frost, where are you from?"

"Um, I guess it was some small town called Burgess." I tell him.

"Oh, well, cool," he says,"Well, I'm from Australia, that's what I was told anyway. My accent probably gave that away to you though."

I nod,"So... are there any new rules? Or all the same?"

"Ya, same. No girls after 9:00, we will have these dorm competitions, if you are sick or unwell, tell the RA. And meetings on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday."

"Who's the RA?" I ask.

"This guy named North. Big guy, Russian, looks like Santa Claus." He spreads his arms out to his sides to shows how big this North guy is.

Hmm, why did North and Bunny seem so familiar? I could dwell on this a little longer, but instead I decide that, oh what the heck, why not enjoy myself? "So...wanna go have a snowball fight? The whole floor? We could ask everyone."

"Sure, sounds like a plan," Bunny replies, standing up and stretching.

I nod."Ok, let's go."

We both get up and go to each door and meet everyone. There are these two guys, both blonde, named Olaf and Kristoff. We also met two kids named Toothless and Hiccup, they are brothers apparently. There's Eric and Eugine. Sandy and Quasimodo.

Everyone agrees to go have a snowball fight, our RA included. Everyone else puts on jackets or some sort of coat, except me. Bunny walks up to me,"Uh, mate, why aren't you wearing a jacket?"

I shrug,"The cold never bothered me anyway."

"...That's weird, but whatever you say."

I smile and shake my head. We step into the elevator. But something is nagging my mind. Two words, playing through over and over,"Elsa Arendelle," it whispers, "Elsa Arendelle."


Hi guys! Sorry I couldn't fit the snowball fight in this one, I'll fit it in in chap 4!



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