Chapter 29

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Jack's POV


Punzie steps into the room, looking much happier than before being reunited with her friends. But I can still see the look of helplessness and defeat in her eyes. I guess we all feel the same. Punzie closes the door behind her and walks over to where Elsa sleeps. "Let's put her into pajamas or something." She looks directly at me,"So, uh, get out.'

I stare off into space a moment, and then her words finally register in my head,"Wait wha? O, ya, okay." She roles her eyes as Toothless, Hiccup, and I walk out. We close the door behind us, and lean against the wall across the hall."So, uh, this all sucks." Says Hiccup.

"Mmhhm." Toothless and I say in unison. I sigh,"There has to be a way to bring Anna back. Just like the rest of the victims."

"But, well, Anna is, frozen." Says Hiccup.

"Thanks for the news flash," I role my eyes,"But seriously, I feel it," I remember something that an old friend used to say, but I'm not quite sure who,"In my belly."

Toothless laughs,"Okay dude. Tell us when your belly figures the answer out."

The door opens across from us, and Punzie stands there,"Okay guys, you can come in now." We nod and step inside, wordless. The door closes on its own behind us as I sit in the same place I'd sat before. "So, uh, what were you guys talking about before I arrived?" Asks Punzie.

We all look at each other, and I say,"Uh, well, we explained our past. Everything different and special about our lives and ourselves."

Punzie tenses up for a moment before saying,"So can you guys explain your stories to me? I'll tell mine."

We nod, and each tell our adventurous stories and our special talents. Throughout the whole thing Punzie would act excited, awed, concerned, and many other expressions would mask her face. When we finish talking, I rest my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands,"So, Rapunzel, what's your story?" I don't know why I called her by her full name, but I just really felt like it at the moment.

She sighs and smooths back her hair,"Um, well, it's kind of long."

I shrug,"We have a long time."

"Okay. So, I don't remember it all, I remember a few glimpses, like looking at floating lights and other things. But I also remember that I was a princess, and that I was taken from my home because of..." She trails off,"I'll get there in a sec. Anyways, after I was taken away, I spent almost my whole life locked away I'm a tower with the lady who kidnapped me. Of course, I didn't know that she did that. Eventually, I left with Eugine-"

"Eugine was there?" I ask.

She nods,"He took me to see the floating lights, or the lanterns that were on my birthday, or the 'lost princess's' birthday. A lot of things are more hazy after that, but I do remember..." She closes her eyes as if the next memory pains her. She takes a shaky breath,"I remember that the lady who kidnapped me took me back to the tower, and when I realized who she was, and when I provoked her, she tied me up and waited for Eugine to come and save me. When he did, she stabbed him. I begged her to let me save him-"

"How would you be able to do that?" Asks Astrid.

"Just wait. She said yes, but only if I promised to never leave her again. Ever. So when I went to heal Eugine with my magical healing hair," it looked as if Hiccup was going to cut her off, but Punzie shushed him and continued,"He cut my hair off, so I couldn't heal him. He did it so that I wouldn't have to be with the lady anymore. I thought that I couldn't help him. Pascal got rid of the lady," I look at her pet chameleon,"But I was too late. But when I cried, a tear fell onto his face, and it somehow healed him. I no longer had my long, golden hair, but short, brown locks. I didn't know that I could still heal..." She looks down at her hands, and says,"But I was wrong."

"So that's why Mr.Beast kept summoning you? To help the people who were involved in the incidents?" I ask.

She nods,"I woke up Aurora and Snow White, but they are still resting in the infirmary. I couldn't help Ariel and Jasmine. I tried with Anna..." She trails off. She takes a shaky breath,"I really, really tried. But I just couldn't." Punzie looks down at her hands, and sings,"Flower, gleam and glow. Let your power shine. Make the clock reverse. Bring back what once was mine. What once was mine." Her hands suddenly glow golden,"I can heal with my hands now." The light fades away,"But it turns out I can do something else."

All heads turn to look at her,"What?"

"I can, go back in time."

We stare at her in shock,"How?" I ask.

"I don't know. I mean, during my first year I'd suddenly bounced back a few minutes, and eventually I could control it and go back as far as a few months."

Suddenly, it all hits me,"That's what we can use to save Anna!" I exclaim.

"Jack-" Punzie begins.

"You can go back in time-"


"You can find Elsa at the party and-"

"Jack Frost!" She exclaims. I shut up, surprised at the use of my full name,"Jack, I tried. After I failed with healing, I tried to go back in time. But I couldn't. Something, or someone is blocking my way of travel."

"Pitch," I mutter.

"Pitch?" Says Hiccup worriedly,"You think he's blocking her way of travel?"

I nod,"Obviously he doesn't want us to save Anna, but why?" No one replies, because, no one really knows,"What do you sing when you go back in time? Can u show us?" I ask Punzie. She shakes her head.

"I don't need to, I just, do it." She says, and closes her eyes, concentrating. When she opens her eyes, her hands glow blue. Suddenly, she faints and falls back onto the bed,"Punzie!" Cries Merida, rushing to her side.

"Wait!" I say,"Don't touch her." Merida obeys me.

Suddenly, our hands fill with chips out of nowhere. Oreo packets and chip bags lie on the floor. Punzie sits up, and says,"This time when I came, I brought snacks."

I munch on a lays potato chip and grab an Oreo,"A great idea."

She smiles and begins to eat with everyone else,"I wish Eugine were here," she says.

I nod and look at Elsa's sleeping face. All I want is for her to wake up. I touch her cold cheek, and move her hair out of her face. Suddenly, her eyes pop open,"Jack! I need to talk to you."

Wow. Why does everyone want to talk to me right now? First Punzie bursts through the door, then Elsa scares me out of my wits by opening her eyes and screaming at my face.

So for the first time after Anna froze, I smile, "Okay Snowflake," I say, and everyone files out of the room.

I look at Elsa's face and ask,"What is it?"

"Jack. I need you to promise me something."

I nod.

"Please, if I ever tell you, and I'm not telling this to you know, but if I ever tell you in the future to stay away from me, please listen to me."

Well, I wasn't expecting that.


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