The Changing

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~~Phoebe's POV~~

I was standing over my own body. Watching myself slowly bleed out and yet try to heal. "Holy hell? What's happening? Am I dying?" I asked myself.

"Yes and no," freezing I turned around to see my mother in a green gown, her hair falling down in waves. She smiled and walked over to me.

"Mum? What are you...." She touched my cheek and walked to my dying body.

"Your dying and slowly piercing the veil between life and death. Honey you need to keep fighting, keep holding on until you get to a hospital."

"Lydia! Lydia!" I heard parish calling and I went to reply but my mum cut me off.

"He can't hear or see you sweetie. Your a ghost, but if you get him to see you with his other eyes, his true eyes, then maybe." Nodding my head I ran to where he was standing.

"Parish! Parish Lydia's dying I'm dying over there!" I screamed to him but he didn't even blink. His other eyes, I remembered. Lydia found out he was a hellhound, gatherer of death or something. I focused on the torch in his hand and it started flashing before eventually turning off.

He pulled a flare out of his back pack and lit it. He drew it across his face and his eyes flared fiery red and stared at me. I said no words only turned around and ran, looking back he had dropped the flare and was walking after me. I lead him to our bodies where he stared in shock before checking Lydia.

His eyes were back to normal and he was acting like usual parish. He looked at the spear in my chest before slowly checking my pulse. His mouth opened in shock, "how are you alive?" He asked himself before picking Lydia up and over his shoulder.

I thought he was gonna leave me but he reached under my shoulders, then legs and carried me in a bridal hold. I let out a noise of pain as I felt it and so did my body. "Hold on Phoebe, just hold on." He carried us both out of the woods and called Scott.

I thought he was crazy I mean, Scott's dead, but when I saw him standing at the hospital I felt like crying again. When he saw me he just stood there in shock before picking my doll body up. "How is she alive?" He asks and parish shook his head.

"I don't know but just be glad she is." They took us both into the hospital and cried out "help! Somebody help!" They brought two stretchers out and I watched helpless as parish described our symptoms. I followed Scott into the elevator an up a couple of until the doors opened to reveal stiles.

"Scott whys stiles here?" I asked forgetting he can't hear me. We stopped at a door and I saw the sheriff in bed on machines and I covered my mouth. His skin looked warned and he looked so much older. The doors opened and stiles shoves Scott against a wall before onto the ground.

"Stop it both of you!" I cried helpless and tried to pull them apart only I just went through them. As stiles whispers something to Scott the doctors pulled them apart.

"Look your dads not the only one that got hurt alright?" Scott says and I looked at my blood that covered his shirt.

"Aw you'll heal." Stiles says and he shakes his head.m

"I'm not talking about me," Scott says and this gets his attention. "It's Phoebe's blood, not mine. Lydia is also hurt."

"Wait Phoebe? My sons ex girlfriend?" The doctor asks and Scott nods while stiles runs for the doors. I go with him through the doors and I followed the doctor to the surgery room where I witness doctors pulling the spear out of my body. I gripped my stomach as I felt myself slowly crumble. I hear the beeps of the machine increase and people running but images flash across my eyelids. Myself as a kid playing with dolls and snuggling up with mum and dad as we watched movies.

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