The Murder Game

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Scott, Stiles and I found out that the coach of the team can be the one to cancel the game, so we're at the door to the rehabilitation centre that Coach has been in for the last seven months.

The boys were looking through the window to try and find the coach. Rolling my eyes I pulled Stiles out of the way and walked right into the room, smelling his scent instantly and following it to the lounge at the front of the room.

He was sitting up and not blinking, just staring at the ceiling. "What is he doing?" Asked Stiles. "What?"

"Hey coach," Scott said as he and Stiles sat on either side of the man while I pulled up a small wooden chair and sat in front of the three. "It's Scott, Stiles and Phoebe." No response.

Stiles waved a hand over the mans face and still nothing. "Coach, your in rehab you didn't have lobotomy." I said "Coach?" Still nothing.

Stiles reached out to touch a game of checkers and Coach stopped him. "Don't you touch it. I have Nurse Gonsolis by the balls the last three moves." He said sitting up and laughing. "And she knows it."

"Ok go, you're checking out of this place right now." Stiles said and was shushed.

"Not a chance." Coach said.

"Ok Coach, we know you're fine." Scott said and he was shushed harder than Stiles making me laugh.

"I have a debilitating disease, it's called 'I'm not going to take another arrow to my stomach phobia,' look it up."  

"Coach no one is shooting arrows okay, these two just need you to Coach the charity game." I said and the three of them turned to me, obviously forgetting I'm here.



"Charity, not a chance."

"Okay then, how have you been conning them into letting you stay here?" Stiles asked.

"I have relapses, it's serious, I've had seven of them." He looked so unbelievable it made me shake my head.

"Once a month."

"Every time they're just about to release me, I relapse."

"No ones noticed that pattern?"

"I have phenomenal health insurance. So why don't you guys get the hell outta here, I hate charity games. They're meaningless."

"I don't think the charities would agree." I said in a disbelieving voice.

"What's it for this year?" He asks.

"Cancer." We all said together.

"For or against?"

"Against, Coach deeply against." Stiles and I said.

"Yeah, well I'm deeply not interested." He made gestures for us to rack off.

"Coach, we need you." Scott said.

"I will never coach there again." He said.

"Well that's ok because we don't need you to coach." He looked at us confused by what I just said. "We need you to forfeit." He sat in silence before agreeing.

Night had fallen and the weather had dropped to freezing. I ducked home to the loft to get my black leather Faux jacket. I walked along the field a watched as the News vans set up the transmission. The Prep school kids walked off the bus and I saw Brett. He stared at me and I nodded, he did the same.

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