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Aoi's stomch grew bigger.

Like some sort of grotesque balloon

that threatened to ruin our lives

threatened to shatter our

broken family.

We shared a bed,
Suki and I.

And when Aoi and father
retreated into their's.

When we were finally left alone.

We'd hold each other close
and whisper,

"I-I don't like our new mummy..."

"Why is she so big, Harmony?"

I think we're going to have another

brother or a sister,

and I think Father'll be
happier than he ever was,
happier than when we were born.

I think all we have

right now


each other.

"I don't think daddy likes us."

A sob
chokes out
of a four year old's
into the dark bedroom,

I hold her hand tighter.

Savor The Moonlight - Book 1 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now