Nothing To Say

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The drive to Father's house
is not quiet.

I almost wish Mother
was as bad with conversation
as he was.

But she's not.
She babbles on as she drives
"Make sure to be polite.
We'll be back before bedtime
you still have school to go to.
Give Aunt Aoi the flowers
and make sure to play nicely. "

I stare at her with wide eyes.
The clear plastic around the daisies
crinkles in the passenger seat.
She wants me to give Aoi those?

"Aunty Aoi,"
I begin, uncertain
the air in the car is suddenly thick.

"What about her, Harmony?"

She hates us.  She hates you.
Why, why, why
are we being nice to her?

"Nothing, sorry."

Savor The Moonlight - Book 1 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now