Passing Fragments

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Zeira and Miria's desk is set up
with plates and plates
of finger food and snacks.

I look at them in distaste
they're brightly colored
and most of them
omit a strong fried odour.

I sit on the floor next to Miria
who's too preoccupied to eat,
preferring to play with her dollhouse

"What're you doing?"

I ask, for the sake of conversation.
I catch Suki sitting down
she takes a tentative bite
while Zeira chatters next to her.

"Mummy said she'll buy me something
if I make sure to keep it clean."

Miria points to her dolls.

"Oh? What do you want?"

I don't really want to know.
It feels stupid to be jealous
but as much as I try to hold it down,
the dark thoughts and emotions
bubble up
to the surface
as they threaten
to break my resolve.

Savor The Moonlight - Book 1 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now