beyond translations

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Maybe it's the sparkle in Mei's eyes
when I shyly hand her the cookies
as we sit at our usual spot
in the dark staircase

Or maybe it's the way she beams at me
and whispers a quiet
Arigato, Harmony-chan
Which I know means thank you

What ever it is
it makes me want to bring her
biscuits and sweet things

I decide right then and there
that Mei's eyes are too honest,
too open,
to ever narrow teasingly
to ever morph into a glare

And I also come to conclude
that maybe one best friend
is better than lots of average friends

I try to smile,
try to reflect my emotions,
try to translate them into expressions
and Mei seems to understand.
She smiles widely at me
and leaves me envious
at how easily emotive she is

I hope she won't turn on you.

The voice whispers.

I trust her.

I whisper back.

Savor The Moonlight - Book 1 | ✔Where stories live. Discover now