The Ladybug and Fat Markers

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Peck. Peck. Peck.

Harry turns his head to the right and sees a little a orange lady bug trying to fly out through the window but she keeps hitting glass instead. The boy gets so excited he toddles over to the bug.

"Hello," he smiles at it.

"How you get inside," he asks.

Harry's mind tends to personify objects and creatures. The ladybug begins telling Harry her story.

"I was just climbing in the grass with my friends when suddenly I saw the biggest door I ever saw in my life open right in front of me. I got so excited! I flew as fast as I could to get inside! I didn't know the door would lead me into your home. I'm sorry! But I heard you coming into the room and I thought you could help me."

He reaches his pinky towards the bug and tells it to climb up. The bug eventually does so and he smiles proudly at his own accomplishment.

"You want outside," he asks. In his mind the lady bug replies yes. "Okay."

He turns his head and his green eyes scan the room for signs of anyone else's presence before quietly lifting the window up. He flicks his pinky a little and the bug flies off.

"Bye bye! You c'n visit me! Bye!" He blows a few kisses towards where he believes the ladybug may have went.

The window closes and Harry sits on the couch of the playroom staring at the doorway. He should be playing, but instead he is waiting for the three most important people in his life to join him. Normally he has the time of his life when he's in here, but not right now. He wants more than anything for Louis to be in here with him. Daddy told Harry a month ago that good big brothers loved playing, and that is all he's been hoping for since Louis arrived. The only chance he's had to play with Loulou was last night. But Louis only wanted to talk so he didn't get much time with the Legos. But that's okay, because Harry likes hearing Louis' voice. It sounds like how hot cocoa feels on a sore throat.

Papa told him they would only be a few minutes in the bathroom, but Harry's pretty sure it's been hours. He frowns and turns onto his stomach and lets his arm drop down on the ground to clutch the shaggy carpeting between knuckles.

"Woger," he asks looking at his bear sitting nearby.

"Did they forget 'bout us," he asks and the bear stares at him.

"No, they wouldn't, Everybody loves you, Harry. Rememer? Daddy and Papa said so themselves," he thinks the bear says.

Harry chuckles at the toy, "You wight! They love us!"

The bear in the bow tie and top hat has managed to get Harry smiling and happy again. Sometimes he just needs a good pep talk to remind him of how good life is.

"There's the smiling baby," Liam says loudly.

"Daddy! Papa! Louwee!" Harry runs forward and hugs them all. "Knew you didn't forget me!"

"We could never forget about you," Liam assures.

"You were gone for years," he complains.

Zayn chuckles, "Only 25 minutes."

Louis is put on the ground and Harry grabs his hand and pulls the boy away from his daddies.

"Let's play," he says eagerly.

The boy is dragged to the right side of the room where toys are scattered everywhere as well as in tubs and on shelves. There must be thousands of dollars worth in toys. Louis briefly wonders how the men can afford any of this and if they even have jobs. The room, which is painted to look like they are in the forest, has lush green carpet that Louis sinks his sock covered toes into.

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