Green Eyes of Jealousy

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Something that is important to know about Harry is when he is sad he ages up. I know in a lot age-play stories littles regress when they're upset, but Harry returns to an age similar to his biological age as a way of protecting himself.


"Daddy," Louis squeals as Liam prepares his lunch. The boy bangs his hands down on the plastic surface in excitement. He's sitting in his high chair next to Harry. Harry is poking the little tiger on his bib and making growls that sound nowhere near intimidating.

"Hold your horses, buckaroo," Liam chuckles.

He's been in his little space for a few days now, and the daddies couldn't be happier. There has been a few struggles, like Louis not communicating what he wants very well and crying more but the extra cuddliness more than makes up for it. He has even started warming up to Liam as much as he has with Zayn, which makes the younger husband's heart melt. The smallest boy's speech patterns have changed significantly as well. When he does form full words, his Rs and Ls sound more like Ws.

Louis picks up his sippy cup of cold water and chugs a third of it down. Zayn sets his rubber coated fork on his table and Liam comes over with his plastic plate holding spaghetti and sets it in front of the boy.


Before Liam has a chance to sit down, Louis uses his fingers to scoop some of the pasta up but it's so hot he feels his fingers burn and he drops the noodles. "Ow," he howls and retracts his hand. He brings his fingers up to his mouth to suck them clean.

"Are you alright," Zayn asks in alarm.

Louis frowns. "Hot! Hot! Hot!"

The younger boy saw what happened to his brother and curiosity gets the best of him. Harry tries picking up some noodles as well and lets out a whimper, flinging the noodles to the floor. "Owie!"

"Harry," Zayn says in slight frustration. "Why did you do that?"

The boy ignores his question and holds his fingers out to show his Papa. "Kiss my booboo?"

His frustration melts away when Harry gives him those big doe eyes. He uses a cloth and gently pats away the tomato sauce before kissing each of his five fingers even though it was only his thumb, pointer and middle finger that were burned.

"No more touching your food like that," Liam says sternly. "That goes for the both of you. We want you safe, so let us feed you. Understand?"

The boys nod, regretting their decision to touch hot food. Liam cleans the food from the ground and wipes Louis' hand off.

Liam throws the paper towels into the bin before taking his rightful seat in front of Louis. The husbands have settled on sending the boys to the playroom when they are finished eating and they will use that time to eat their lunch because eating and feeding two messy little boys at the same time is near impossible.
The man picks up the fork and twirls some pasta around. He makes sure to blow on it well enough for it to cool down. He holds it to Louis' mouth and the boy eagerly takes the bite, making cute grumbles similar to Harry's. Louis chews with his mouth open and Liam frowns, telling him to close it before food falls out. It's too late. There is already sauce on his bib.

He loads the fork up again and lifts it, but the boy moves his face to the side. "Twain," Louis says.

Liam nods in understanding. He's incredibly happy Louis is little right now and actually wants to play. "Here comes the choo choo train!"

The food goes into Louis' wide waiting mouth. He claps. "'gain! 'gain!"

"Chuga chuga chuga! Choo! Choo," the man says with excitement.

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