Late Night Cuddles

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Fluff fluff fluff fluff glorious fluff fluff


Louis groans and flips his pillow around the cool side for the millionth time that night. No matter how hard he tries, he just can not turn his mind off and fall asleep. He's not sure what time it is. He can still see the moon from the window. The nightlight does little to illuminate the room. He's spent the whole night listening to his conscience scold him and Harry's light snoring.

Giving up on the idea that he'll be going to sleep anytime soon, the boy heaves himself up into a sitting position. He rests his back on the bars and holds his stuffie Sally to his face, rubbing her soft fur against his nose and cheeks. He doesn't feel very well tonight, probably just because he's tired. His throat feels itchy and his tummy is a little grumbly but he does his best to ignore it.

A string of coughs rip through Louis' chest. He tries his best to silence them by muffling the coughs into his sleeve, but they are still loud enough that when he hears sleepy moan coming from a few feet away he knows he's woken Harry. The green eye boy rubs his eyes and looks between the bars to his brother.

"Lou," his groggy voice calls.

"Shhh, go back to sleep, Hazza" Louis whispers, not wanting their voices to be picked up through the monitor.

"Are you okay," the younger asks.

"I'm fine, Love."

Harry lets out a long, quiet whine. So quiet Louis questions if it was real or not. "What's wrong?"

"Wanna cuddle. Don't like being far from you," the boy pouts.

"What if I came over there," Louis suggests.


"Hmmm," the elder hums. He tries shaking the cribs front, hoping it could lower from the inside but it stays put. 'Guess I'll just have to do this the hard way.'

The boy brings himself onto his knees and uses the rails to pull himself up. With the height from the crib he's standing tall enough to touch the ceiling. He steadies himself and grips the top tightly, swinging his leg over. Harry whispers about him being careful and he sends him some reassurance before jumping to the ground with with a thud. How the daddies haven't came in here yet is a miracle in itself.

Louis walks over to Harry's crib and tries fiddling with the front of the crib. The boy has watched Liam and Zayn lower and raise these a million times yet he still doesn't quite understand how to do it. Harry watches him with half open eyes and his pride takes over. Giving up on lowering the front, Louis leaves the boy's side for a minute and goes to the corner of the room. He grabs the rocking chair by its two arms and drags it all the way across the carpet and next to Harry. Louis uses the chair as a ladder and boosts himself up and over the front rail. Harry slides over as far as he can and lifts the blanket to make room. Louis slides in next to him and lays down because there isn't enough room for sitting. Harry brings his blanket over Louis' body and cuddles into him, with a sleepy Roger in between them.

"Louwee," Harry says, happily snuggling his face into his brother's chest.

"Try to get some sleep now," Louis whispers in his ear.

"Not tired."

"Then why can't you keep your eyes open for more than two seconds?"

"Wanna stay up and talk wiff you," Harry says.

"Hazza, we can talk whenever. Wouldn't you rather sleep?"

He feels the boy shake his head. "Never get to talk alone. Someone's always listening."

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