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Another incredibly long chapter!


The beginning of the day had been slow. Zayn and Liam were shocked to find Louis in Harry's crib and had given the boys a talking to about the dangers of leaving their cribs on their own. Harry had pouted because he just wanted Louis to be with him at all times, even in the middle of the night.

After a sleepy breakfast, they were allowed to go outside and play in the leaves. Liam watched over them while Zayn prepared lunch. They had grilled cheese sandwiches that had been shaped like little pumpkins and ghosts using cookie cutters to go along with their tomato soup.

Right before lunch, Zayn noticed Louis' voice was hoarse and asked the boy about it. He said it was a little sore but not that bad. He gave him medicine and some orange juice to help him feel better with the strict instructions to let him know if he feels any worse because he doesn't want Louis going out in the cold air tonight if he doesn't feel well.

After eating, Liam and Zayn fed the boys bottles of warm milk and gently urged them to take naps so they're rested enough for the night. A napping pad was placed on the floor of the living room and the boys cuddled on it until they fell asleep.

Louis is the first to wake from the nap. He lifts his head from the pillow and opens his eyes slowly. He still feels groggy and his throat is sore and dry. Louis knows he should tell Papa and Daddy, but he doesn't want to spoil the evening, knowing very well that they wouldn't let him out in the cold night air if he's sick. The pacifier is lying on the pillow in a small puddle of drool. He lifts his hand and wipes away his saliva in disgust. The boy rolls over to see that Harry is still sound asleep only inches away from him. His hands are curled underneath his body for warmth. Louis smiles lightly and lifts the blanket higher on the younger's delicate body. Harry nuzzles his face into the fabric that falls on his cheek.

Louis makes sure the younger is content and not going to wake up before getting up on his hands and knees and crawling over to the couch. He uses the couch for support and heaves his tired body off the ground. He hears talking coming from a different room and decides to follow the voices. He walks into the kitchen where Zayn and Liam are listening to light music while preparing dinner.

Caught up in their conversation, Zayn jumps a little when he feels the back of his sweater being yanked. The daddies turn to see their little looking up with half open eyes and disheveled hair.

"Hey, Dove. How long have you been up," Zayn asks, combing his fingers through Louis' fringe.

The boy shrugs. "Few minutes."

"Well dinner might take a while. Do you want to go back to sleep?"

Louis shakes his head. "Can I have some juice?"

"Sorry, but you've had plenty of juice today and you'll be eating candy tonight. Way too much sugar! Would you like some water instead," Liam asks.

Louis nods. "With ice?"

The brunette man smiles. "Course, Babe."

Liam turns around and reaches into a cabinet for a sippy cup and grabs a basic blue one with a bigger drinking spout, just as Louis prefers. He goes to the fridge and fills it first with a few ice cubes and then some water. He screws the lid on and hands to Louis as he places a kiss on the boy's forehead.

"Thanks," he says quietly, bringing the cup to his lips. He takes a few large gulps, allowing the cool water to sooth his aching throat.

"Such good manners," Liam coos, lightly pinching the boy's cheek. Louis blushes and offers up a small smile.

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