Pizza My Heart

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Hi! So I'm slowly starting to get a feel for Wattpad. It's still slightly confusing but I'm getting there. Anyways, please vote and leave comments! 


Liam gives Harry the task of carrying the pizzas into the house. It's probably the one of the easiest tasks in the world, but Liam makes it sound treacherous and that only the brave Harry can do it. So he holds the two warm boxes in his hands as he walks carefully into the house from the garage watching his steps while his Daddy's hands are keeping a steadying hold on his hips.

The two walk into the kitchen where Zayn is leaning against the counter scrolling through his phone. He looks up and smiles.

"Harry? What a surprise! I didn't know you be home so soon," Zayn lies. Liam had called him the moment he knew he was going to get the boy.

The boy sets the pizzas on the counter and walks over to Zayn. He wraps his arms around the man's middle section and buries his face in his neck.

"Something wrong?"

"Bad, bad day," Harry whispers.

"Oh, Babe. I'm sorry," Zayn says. "But hey! It's Friday and you're home now! So how about we turn the rest of the day into a good one?"

"Otay, Papa!" Zayn pecks the boy on the lips.

"Where's Loulou?"

"Napping in the living room. You want to go wake him up for me?" Harry nods eagerly and turns to walk away.

"Be gentle, Harry. Don't scare him," Liam tells the boy.

The boy in the red fleece creeps slowly into the living room trying his hardest not to make any sounds. His brother is sleeping on a napping mat on the ground wrapped in Ninja Turtle blanket and a pacifier is bobbing between his lips. Harry's never seen Loulou using a dummy before.

Harry gets down to his hands and knees and crawls over to the sleeping boy. When their heads are only inches away Harry lifts the blanket and crawls into the heat. He begins playing with the fluffy hair, liking how wonderful it feels between his fingers.

Even with the touching, Louis still doesn't wake up, so Harry tries a new method. He sucks in a big breath and begins blowing air onto Louis' face. Louis' nose twitches and then his entire face scrunches up. He opens his eyes to see Harry closer than he ever has before. Every freckle and fleck of gold in his eyes are visible.

"Harry," he tries saying and the dummy falls from his lips. He blushes at the plastic and rubber that is clipped to his shirt. He didn't want to use it, but he didn't exactly refuse it either. Harry continues blowing air in his face, but it's a bit hard for him when his lips are fighting the urge to smile. Louis reaches up to poke a deep dimple and the blowing stops because Harry's lips can no longer form an O shape.

"Why were you doing that," Louis asks curiously. If it had been anyone else he would've been pissed, but this is Harry. So it's different.

"Wand-ed to," Harry says.

Harry presses his forehead to Louis'. It should be awkward, but both boys are actually enjoying the closeness.

"Papa 'nd Daddy sent me," Harry tells him.


"It's lunch time."

Louis yawns and the hot breath hits Harry's face. "What're we having?"

"Pizza," Harry smiles.

Louis' eyes widen and they grin at each other before standing up and breaking out into a race to see who can get to the kitchen first.

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