Chapter 1: The prophecy

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3 years later

My name is Amber Moonshade. I'm 17 years old. I'm the last member of the Royal werewolf family of Moonshade. I'm the queen.
I whisper this few words to the mirror every single morning, only not to forget why I'm fighting, why my parents have been killed and why I keep on suffering.

I look at myself through the mirror. My pale skin seems paler because of my black eyes and dark brown hair. I'm not that beautiful, but I know even my features show my power and royalty. I straighten up and walk towards the door, thinking of what my day will be like.

" Good Morning my queen. Can I help you?" Says Diara, my personal maid and best friend.

"No thanks Diara, everything is gorgeous" I smile at her and she blushes, she's always happy when I feel good.
I eat my breakfast and then I move into my study.

"My queen, rogues are waiting to join our pack in the throne room" Zac, my third in command says through the mind-link.

"Coming" I reply softly. I lead towards the throne room, still feeling like something important is going to happen.

Some hours earlier, castle of Backyardan, headquarter of the Redmoon pack.

" Y-your majesty?"

"Yes, Naveen"

"I found out something about the queen you didn't know, your Highness"

"Tell me Naveen" I'm starting to get annoyed by that stupid guy, I mean, I'm his King, he can't stand in front of me with that stupid grin on his face. I have more pressing business than to wait for his answers.

" Have you ever seen the queen's wolf?" Is he kidding me or what!? Maybe I should just kill him. But... Maybe he wants me to answer no. Maybe he just wants to play with me. I definitely should kill him then.

"No!?!" I answer, quite pissed off.

" Well, I found this prophecy, about a girl whose wolf has never been seen, who will lead the world together with her mate, living an happy ever after and bla bla bla" He begins " but, what I really found is that she can't live without her mate once she has found it"
My jaw drops. That stupid Naveen had found an solution to my problem!

"Well done Naveen!"

"Captain Smith, call my pack warriors, we have to talk" I order in the mind link to my Captain.

"Yes your majesty"

"Come into the throne room"

I stand still, watching as all my warriors get inside the room and fill it.

Josh, my older brother an Beta, sits next to me and asks me through our mind link
"what's up bro?"

" Nothing exciting actually, I just found out how to destroy our beloved queen Amber"

His jaw drops.

" What?!" He shouts, making everyone look at us.

" I found out" I begin raising my voice, the way everyone could hear me," that there is a prophecy about the queen: she cannot live without her mate once she has found one"
My warriors stare at me.

" I'm going to infiltrate into the castle to find her mate and, once I discover who the poor man is, I'll kill him. She'll die and we'll avenge our King" I say, using my most convincing tone. Nobody dares a move: I know they are all pondering the pros and cons of my dangerous plan. I, on the other hand, am most determined to succeed.

" Well, at least you're offering a relieving death: he must be a poor soul indeed if he's been forced by the Moon to mate that slut!" My brother bursts out saying to break the uncomfortable silence, making all of us laugh.

My warriors then start clapping and shouting " Thank you my Lord" while I stand still and wave as they smile happily at me.

I'm King Alexander Redmoon, heir of the Redmoon Royal werewolf family, and I'm going to fight and kill the black queen.

Alex' POV
Castle of Greyhills, heart of the queen's kingdom.

I'm waiting for the untouchable queen in her throne room, imagining how I would feel when she'll be dead.

While I'm still lost in my bloody thoughts, I smell her scent. It's wonderful. It charges me up the moment it reaches my nose, while my wolf awakens and whispers "mate". He's been avoiding our talks since he's found out my plan of killing her mate: he believes wars shouldn't threaten what's holy. That's the first time we don't agree on something, after the night my brother asked me to lead our warriors and kill the Moonshades. His words are most welcome, together with his presence back in my mind.

I can't help but smiling. She's here! When the queen will be dead me and my mate will be happy forever as we'll rule the whole country peacefully. But where is she? Why can't I see her? There is no one inside the room but two males and... oh no.

I realise my mate is the queen after a while. I can't believe it. This means that to destroy her I'd have to kill myself. I curse. Someone has asked me something but I was too deep in thoughts to notice it. Shit.

" Sorry, I wasn't paying attention" I say, without raising my gaze. I know that if she'll look in my eyes she'll find out our bond and I'll have one more problem.

" W- oh my god- what's wrong with you dude?" The red haired guy, that was talking to me earlier, cries out. I am ready to rip his head off when the Queen scolds him saying,

" Don't you dare telling him he isn't normal, Zac. We accept everyone in our pack. Now apologise"

Zac glares at me before mumbling " Sorry dude, I was just joking a bit" .

I smile widely, still a bit confused about her reaction, and snap back a fast " No problem", causing him to smile at me.

"What's your name" he asks. Fuck... What's my name? Hmmm... Let me think...

" Stash" I answer. He smiles again and chuckles, while I notice she's hardly hiding a smile too. I know I chose a terrible name, but I have no more chances.

" Stash, before you become an effective member of our pack, you'll have to pass an exam. We have to be sure you aren't a traitor" Zac explains "You'll live in a room with other initiates for one month, then we'll decide if you worth our trust."

"Alright" I nod.The queen is still staring at me. I'm sure I haven't even looked at her, so I don't understand why she's keeping on staring at me. She can't have guessed, her wolf should be too weak to sense it at first sniff as I did.

" Put him in the warriors room, he's strong" she demands.

" Fine" Zac replays, nodding.

I am officially infiltrating into the queen's palace. But will I ever infiltrate into her heart?


Author's note
The guy up there is how I imagined Alexander could be...
Have fun with him ;)
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