Chapter 31: The challenging madman

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Amber's POV
I didn't believe I would have survived. I remember his teeth on my neck. I remember smelling blood in the air. I remember shouting. But I'm still alive. I'm laying on the soft grass in the deep forest that reminds me of the day I saw my parents dying right in front of my eyes. I'm cold. And I'm alone. Slowly I raise my head. I feel like I've just been dropped on the ground. My eyes widen as I spot a familiar figure a little bit far from me, his lower part of the body hidden by a rock but his top part being definitely naked. I blush violently and try to shout his name, but my voice is rusty and my neck hurts so much I barely succeed in whispering softly,

"Alex" My voice would have been impossible to be heard for any common human, but I know he's heard me perfectly. He turns his head to look at me and smiles gently at my confused expression. I try to stand up, but I'm still too weak to do so, then I keep still as I watch his expression become sadder and listen to his words as he whispers,

" You should be hating me right now."

" Why would I?" Why isn't he standing up? Who matters if he's naked, I need his touch, I need his calm, I need him. But he doesn't move.

" What if he isn't Alex?" I block my mind from everyone but me and my wolf. How could I be so stupid!? The Nocturnal could have taken his semblances while I was knocked out. He turns his head to me again, his eyes showing a great confusion.

" Open the mind-link. She could be hearing us right now." He says worriedly. His eyes shine in their bright blue colour that reminds me of the sky during the hottest summers, not even a flash of gold in them. Every creature has its power and, even if threaten by another creature, can't lose it.

" Where is my mate?" I ask the Nocturnal in front of me.

" Amber, what...?" She says, still not showing her real self. Where is Alex?

" Can you sense him?" I ask my wolf, anxiety growing heavier in my heart.

" He's alive. Mind blocked. Probably knocked out. He's not far from here." My wolf answers. I feel she's as worried as I am, even if she's trying to hide it to me.

" Do you sense someone else?" I ask her again, as I answer the Nocturnal,

" You don't fool me."

" No." I hear the quick answer in my mind, " But Lewis was here."

" Amber, my love, don't let her fool your mind like she's done with me earlier. I am Alex. Your Alex." Let's see how far she can go. I stand up smiling at her, saying,

" I'm sorry my love. I... I... " He stands up, showing his whole naked body. Wow. I must admit that even though he isn't really him he has, well, he's extremely gifted. Ignoring my shouting  hormones, I blush and ask him with the softest voice ever to shift and bring me home.

" Smells of Lewis." My wolf whispers. I try to concentrate on her words and not on his member as he starts walking towards me staring at my ripped off dress with a mixture of arousal and happiness. He almost seems the real Alex.

" You're so beautiful..." He whispers sexily. But this time nothing happens in me. My wolf doesn't get excited. I don't get excited. He's not my mate. He's not the one I've chosen. To me, he's only an imposter.

" Amber he's your brother!" Alexander's voice shouts in my mind. He's alive! And he's awaken! But is he really him?

" Is that Alexander?" My wolf would surely now it better than me: wolves can't be duplicated. A shape-shifter could copy your human and emotional part, but not the magical one.

" Yes." Thanks god!

" Ah, so you've been trying to fool me the whole time! My fault, I had underestimated you. I tried with the good manners. But it's time I stop being a gentleman with bitches like you." The fake Alexander starts speaking with my brother Lewis' voice, eyeing my body like a lion would do with a zebra, any trace of love disappeared from his deep blue eyes.

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