Chapter 32: Alex's dream

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Alexander's POV

" Then go on. Kill me. If I haven't succeeded in convincing you then I've nothing to love for. I hope we will stay together in the underworld. I forgive you, Alexander." She says. Who is she? She could be an illusion, but how could the Nocturnal illude my love? They say love is blind, because souls aren't to see, but to feel. And I feel the one in front of me is my true love, the strong Queen I've chosen to be my mate. I could be mistaking, I know, but I won't risk to kill my beloved Amber because I'm too stupid to recognise her. She knows me better than I know her, after all. Stupid pride. No, I won't bite this marvellous woman. I hope she's the true Amber. I raise my head and let her crying self go, freeing her while hot golden tears start rushing on her beautiful face. So it's her. For real.

" You fool!" A female voice shouted. Amber lays on the ground, knocked out. A rush of anger gets me on top of the Nocturnal, who hasn't even had the time to shift and has still Amber's appearance. I bite her hard on the neck, my wolf screaming in fury as she starts begging me as if she were still my mate. Blood starts dropping on the ground, she's dying, but before taking her last breath, she says,

" May you be damned, Alexander Redmoon, I leave all my powers to my beloved Lewis. May he rip your heart off and smash it under his feet." And after that, she dies.

" I'm a Redshade, you bitch." I start turning around while the body under my claws turns into ashes, trying to reach my mate, who's lying there, fainted on the ground.

" You've just made a huge mistake, dog." A voice calls through the dark. A strange feeling is getting through me, as if I was being drained of all my strengths.

" The Nocturnal's blood is poisonous, didn't you know that?" He says in a mocking tone as I start spitting a black liquid similar to ink. Shit. Why have I always to be the idiot one?

" Oh, because you are an idiot, of course. We can't change our nature, after all." Amber's brother, Lewis, is standing in front on me, while I'm still in wolf form, on the ground, trying to burn the poison inside me. I'm a werewolf, the strongest one ever existed, I can survive. I must survive. For Amber.

" Oh you'll survive. But hopefully the venom will give me enough time to get what is mine by right." He says, then, screaming in pain, he starts shifting. At first, I thought he was going to challenge me in wolf form, but he doesn't become an animal: he becomes me.

" Uhm, not bad. Now I understand why my sister likes get fücked by you. You are almost as gifted as me..." Pff, what does almost mean! As if he had it bigger than me! Wait, why does he want to be me?

" What do you want to do?" I succeed in saying, despite the tiredness and the growing effects of the venom on my body.

" Oh I'll only be you and take what's mine, don't worry. Sweet dreams, idiot." And then I pass out.

I am in a big room, filled in flowers. I'm alone, staring at my reflection on the mirror in the middle of the smelly room. Everything seems to be glowing and blossoming. I start examining my figure: something seems different, even though I haven't really understood what. Suddenly, a hooded person appears behind me in the reflection. I immediately turn around, but I find no one but me in the room. Strange. I turn to face the mirror once again expecting the hidden figure to have disappeared, but it's still there, standing motionless.

" Who are you?" I hear my voice echoing in the room, but I'm sure I haven't spoken a word. My reflection's mouth, anyways, is moving.

" Who are you?" Someone else's voice repeats. Whose is this voice? Could it be coming from the hooded person? But there was no one in the room. I turn around again. No one.

" Where am I?" My reflection asks again. Strange. That was exactly what I was planning to ask.

" In your heart." The hooded figure answers, slowly pushing down the hood, revealing Amber's strong dark eyes staring at me through the mirror.

" Who are you?" The reflection asks her. And again, he speaks as he were me. How come?

" I'm you." Amber's wonderful voice answers. "Everything is about to happen, my son. You must be strong. Look for the untrusted vengeance and begin your journey. Love is the key."

" Alexander!? Alexander!? Wake up dude, our mate needs our help." The dream vanishes as my mind gets back to the familiar space where the werewolves have been allowed to meet their wolves' and pack mates' minds.

" Where are we?" I ask him still confused, my voice sounding hoarse in my mind.

" It doesn't matter where WE are. What matters is where she is, and who she is with!" My wolf shouts in anger. He must be extremely nervous. Amber's wolf must have contacted him. We've never met her wolf form, but I know my wolf is deeply in love with her even if he's never seen her. He feels the love in his blood as much as I feel it in my heart. This is what being bound means.

" Where is she?" I ask him sorrowfully: I should have thought of her first.

" Give me the total control, I'll take you there." He answers starting to get panicked.

" You mean going in berserk form? That would be... too dangerous." I try convincing him, but I know he's already made his own choice. And I have to follow him, I won't want to be a wolf-less king. Going in berserk form is one of the most difficult goals to achieve for a werewolf: your human part must stop thinking, feeling, wanting, leading. You must forget to be a human and trust entirely your wolf part. My mind is slowly getting sleepy and thinking is beginning to be harder than ever. My wolf is gaining the control. I feel my body growing, while a loud growl comes from my throat. He's got it. I start running, sniffing, dodging. But it's not me the one who's thinking: it's my wolf.

" Mate in danger" is the only emotion I can feel. That's the only thing my wolf is thinking about. That's the only thing I should be thinking about.

" Stop thinking! You're making this extremely hard!" My wolf shouts in my mind. But I can't help thinking about what I saw in that dream. Was that going to happen? Is that my future?

" Sorry..." I try apologising, but my wolf has already blocked me out: he can't risk to lose control, he's too frightened Amber could get hurt. And I am too. A loud cry echoes in the woods as my mind slowly turns to be more reactive: my wolf has stopped preventing me from thinking, now we can truly be as one. I need to run. We need to run. She is in danger. In less then a second we've almost run the whole forest.

" Stop fooling my mate, Lewis." Voices. Her voice. She's still alive. And she's fighting. We start running even faster, hoping to hear her wonderful voice once more, it's like fuel in our veins. Where is she? Will she be still mine. I need her. Now.

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