Chapter 6: New duties

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Amber's POV

"We're going back home"

I watch a happy Stash standing up and grimacing in pain. I sigh at the sight of his pain and he smiles to reassure me. I know it's a fake smile but try not to worry too much: he's a warrior, after all, not a pretty princess. I smile at the thought and he seems relieved. Then we exit from the cell where the guards are waiting for us.
" I need a telephone to call my pack" I demand.
" Don't you werewolves use mind link?" The green-haired guard, Mellanhar, asks.
" I thought I asked you for a telephone" I demand again, filling the words with the power I take from the small but useful tiara I have inherited from their previous queen.
" As you wish, my Queen. I suggest you come along with us at the first floor, where you'll find a phone and some clothes for your... Friend" I nod and follow him, my wrists clenched and my back straight.

" Hey! You're the one who broke my clothes! So stop behaving so cocky or I'll return you the favour" Stash growls from behind me. He is so near I could feel his breath on the shield and enjoy the heat of his body.

While we're walking, I try to appreciate the greatness of the house, with its marvellous marble floor and all those paints and statues that remind me of an Italian renaissance palace.
I spot a statue representing a gorgeous fairy killing a wolf, his blood forming a small pool on the base of the statue. Stash stiffens as the white-haired guard, Eijab, smiles broadly, having already spotted my horrified expression.
After what seems to be an eternity we've finally arrived at our destination: an immense bedroom with a four poster bed in the centre. Mellanhar and Eijab bow and find their way out of the room, leaving me and Stash alone. I reach the phone and type Eric's telephone number. He answers after two rings.
" Eric? It's me"
" My Queen!!! Oh my god! Are you alright?!? Where are you!? Has Stash beaten you? If he did I swear I'll..."
" Eric, calm down! I'm okay and I'm at the fairies' court. Stash is here with me and of course he hasn't beaten me. In case he did, Eric, I won't need you to avenge me. I already know how to kill a guy."
" O-Wait, where did you say you are!?!? How did you manage to obtain a telephone if you are at the Court?"
" I can obtain whatever I want at the court, Eric, considering that now I'm their Queen. I believe a telephone isn't too much of a request, isn't it?"
Stash bursts into laughters at my replay.
" Eric? Are you there?"
" Y-yes, I-I'm here. Wow! You've almost caused me an art attack! Really? You're the fairies' Queen now?"
" Yes, Eric, and I want you to convene the Council. We must deal with this inconvenience, right?"
" Of course my Queen. Are you two coming back here?"
" Yes, we'll be there for lunch time, I hope"
" Of course."
Call ended.
" So... How are we going to get back to your castle?" Stash asks me looking quite confused.
" It's simple Stash. We're going to fly" I replay enjoying his astonished expression as his eyes widen and his jaw drops. I laugh loudly and stop only when I feel him getting angrier.
" Mellanhar! Eijab! Come here!" I shout.
The two tall and no ordinary guys rush into the room and bow in respect at the sight of me.
" Convene the fairies' council, if you have one. If you haven't, then convene all my subjects and send messages to all my alleys. Inform them I am now their Queen. I won't tolerate any mistakes, and if you knew your previous queen you know what I am talking about when I say I'm going to punish you harder than ever"
I don't like being seen like an evil queen, but I have to if I want to gain their respect, they're fairies, after all, they were born from Hell.
I watch as they both rush out of the room, both wearing worried expressions on their beautiful yet cruel faces: this is the first time they saw me like their real Queen.
" Well, while I'm solving this big problem, why don't you go hunting? I'm starving" I propose to Stash.
" Can't we simply eat what's in the kitchen?" He replays " I don't trust those guards, I'd prefer not to leave you here alone, with no alleys. I see you're a bit tired".
" Don't worry Stash, they can't touch me because of the tiara. I'm out of danger. Now go please, I really should eat something and so do you. We can't eat fairies' food or we won't be able to leave this castle anymore. I'm their new Queen, but those are laws that can't be changed: they've been written by blood." I explain.
" Okay, then. How am I supposed to find the palace, though?" Good question, dude.
" You'll go with a fairy. Wait here." I call Mellanhar once again and ask him to bring me all the Queen's servants. He nods and leaves.
Five minutes later five girls are standing in front of me, their bloody red eyes full of concern for their former queen. Only one of them, black hair, blue eyes and tiny wings is staring at me excitedly.
" What's your name? Why aren't your eyes red?" I ask her suspiciously.
" My Queen, I'm Liviette and I'm a pixie. I want to tell you you seem very kind, your Highness."
" Thank you, Liviette. I want you to help my friend here Stash. He'll explain you everything. When you come back I want to have a few words with you. Now go, there's no time to be lost." She bows happily and leaves with a sad looking Stash.
" Tell me your names and your duties, girls. And remember I don't like when someone thinks I'm not good enough."
The first fairy, a young girl wearing a pink sleeveless dress with long silver hair and red eyes - I'm never going to get used to them- takes a step and greets me saying," Good morning my Queen, I'm Alyssa and I'm 89 years old" she chuckles at my shocked expression " I am the Royal hair dresser, but I can also create illusions as a fairy. That's my special power".
" Amazing. What about you?" I look at a purple haired fairy with what seems like a tonne of make up on her delicate childish face.
" My Queen, I'm Harryett, and, as you can see, I'm the Royal make-up artist. However, I see you don't use it, so it might be more useful my ability of changing people's mind." She says.
" What? What do you mean by saying ' changing people's minds'?"
" Let me show you, my Queen"
She moves towards Alyssa and asks her, " Alyssa, do you like rosewood red?"
" Of course I don't!" She replays angrily.
Then something amazing happens: Harryett chants a few words and asks again " Alyssa, do you like rosewood red?"
" Yes I do!" She replays convinced.
" Wow! You do a really nice stuff girl, I must give you this!" I say, quite shocked by what happened a few minutes ago.
She blushes and smiles at me.
" My Queen, first, I'm glad to meet you. Second, I'm Catharina Ley and I'm the historian. I know everything about fairies' history until now. I'll help you if you should need me, I swear it. I like changes." I smile at the silver-skinned fairy and turn around to face the last one. She has green hair and bright purple skin with crystal wings.
" Who are you, my dear?"
" I'm Cerillony, and I'm not your dear. Lythrinee was my sister. I'm the fairy of the sky, and I'm going to leave this castle right now. I'm never going to follow a fake Queen!"
" Fine" I say " Mellanhar!"
The guard flies inside the room, once again.
" I want you to bring her in the dungeons, in a fairy-proof cell. And, If I were you, I wouldn't dare disobeying. If she escapes, the fault will be yours." I say, glaring at him.
" As you wish, my Queen" I feel his worried and respectful tone raising a bit. He's in the between two fires, he doesn't know what to do.
" Why would you continue following a Queen that has forced you to leave your family, Mellanhar!?" To my surprise, it was Catharina who spoke.
Mellanhar frowns and nods towards me. He'll be a loyal friend, I believe.
" So... How should I make this?"

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