Chapter 13: Discovering pasts

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Stash's POV

" Hope you'll enjoy hell, Edward Black, because that's where you'll go..."

A blonde girl with shining green eyes and pure white skin walks towards us and away from the darkness.

" Vampire" my wolf growls. " Protect our mate". I reach her and hug her protectively growling at the girl, being afraid she would harm my mate while she isn't paying attention.

" Oh, don't worry little werewolf, she won't harm your mate. Everybody... This is my cousin, Edward's mate, Arabella" the red haired girl announces, then moves towards her cousin and hugs her crying and giggling at the same time while holding her tight in her strong but little arms. I keep on hugging Amber protectively, still not trusting the two vampire girls.

" Well so... I've just killed the vampire King... like I do everyday..." Amber states sarcastically, causing the two girls break their hug and stare at her wide eyed.

" W-will you claim the vampires' crown?" Arabella asks, trying to keep her voice steady but failing to do it while thinking at the internal conflicts a werewolf Queen would create amongst the vampires.

" Of course I won't!" Amber shouts rightfully. I smirk at her reaction: my beautiful mate is really clever, clever enough to understand the risks thirst of power could create. She's clever enough to avoid those risks simply refusing to claim a crown that would carry blood and death along with the power.

" Though, I won't refuse the crown in public. You don't deserve to choose your leader, and, knowing how vampires do things, my kingdom would create less victims than a public election. Indeed, I will choose a president amongst vampires: he'll have all the powers your king had, but he'll have to ask my permission to demand laws. This way, I'll know what happens in your kingdom but won't cause a revolt." Amber announces, explaining her plan without blinking, showing herself completely convinced of her ability to obtain what she asked for. I know she's using a technique called " the bee": like bees convince the other animals they can use their sting but never use it, Amber is convincing these two vampires she could kill them before they even could even blink, but without doing so. This way they'll be too scared of her and they won't rebel against her. I'm so proud of her!

" This could work... We will convince the aristocracy to accept your plan if you let Arabella become your president." The red haired girl says.

Amber smirks. I have to admit it, the vampire girl has made a good attempt to fool her, making her think she needs her help, but Amber is Queen of two enormous armies, so if vampires won't accept her conditions she would simply declare war and burn down their entire kingdom. And I don't think Sebastiano and Athion won't help her if things became this bad.

" Who do you think you are talking to, little girl? I'm Amber Moonshade, Queen of the werewolf kingdom and leader of the fairies' council. If we started a war, who do you think would win, uh? Vampires will accept my conditions. End of the story. You and your cousin will have the privilege to be my friends, I owe you the life of my Beta, so you'll be treated as you deserve. That's all. Now tell me how to get out from here, I'm tired and I want to go back to my rooms." Amber demands, power filling every word she speaks. She is the Queen everyone is afraid of. She is the Queen I was afraid of. She is My Queen.

" As you wish, My Queen" the red- haired girl replies disappointedly. " But this is a moon-proof room. We'll be able to get out of here only during the morning. We have to wait until dawn comes."

" While we're waiting, why don't you tell us your story?" I suggest , gaining one of Amber's approving smiles.

" Sure" Arabella agrees.

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