Capter 14: Mating Kyra

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Amber's POV

" Oh it's simple... We open it... By blood! Yes of course! So simple uh!" Arabella shouts worriedly.

We've been waiting for Kyra to open the door for at least 30 minutes, but it happens to be a quite difficult operation: first put three drops of blood into the first handle, then five drops into the second handle, then wait five seconds and insert four drops of blood into the last handle. Then you have only three seconds to rush to the other part before the door closes back, cutting you in two pieces with two blades placed in the middle of it. We succeeded in pushing Eric and Mellanhar to the other side after a few attempts, and Arabella is the next one to leave.

" Stop!" Stash shouts causing everybody to turn to face him with an astonished expression, " I want me and Amber to go first. You and Arabella will leave after us."

" Clever" my wolf giggles proudly.

" I know" I giggle even louder in my head. Stash notices my smile and smiles back at me widely. He knows I understood his thoughts.

" But why, if you don't mind me asking?" Kyra asks trying to sound seriously confused but failing to do so: everyone knows she understood Stash's strategy, but she can't say anything or we'll suspect even more she is trying to betray us.

" Oh, it's simple. Eric and Mellanhar don't know you. Eric has already woke up, though. What do you think the Beta of a Queen will do to your weak cousin, uh?" Stash replies charmingly. Aha! I watch as a disappointed frown replaces Kyra's smile and smile at Stash proudly, trying not to be caught up while doing so by the two cousins.

" Fine!" She says through glittered teeth," Are you ready, my Queen?"

" No, I want Stash to go before me." I reply bitterly. If they wanted to harm somebody, it was better to let them trying to harm an untouchable Queen then a... Well, I really should talk to Stash about this! Anyway, it was better if he went first.

" But..." He tries to argue.

" No! I am the Queen, I decide." I demand, letting all the power I gained fill my words. I don't need him to be undisciplined now.

" Alright" he says through glittered teeth. Then, after having waited a few seconds, he rushes through the gates and disappears.

" Are you ready, now!?" Kyra asks mockingly, visibly disappointed.

" Sure!" I wait as Kyra starts dropping some blood into the three different handles and nods towards me. I run at full speed through the gates, hoping they won't close on my already weakened body and preying they would let me pass as well.

I find myself to the other side of the gates before they close with a loud swish and loose my balance, falling on the hard but comfortable ground. The only problem is that I didn't fall on a carpet, I fell right on Stash's body, the strength of the collision dragging both of us on the floor. I am now on top of him, our faces only a few inches far, my curves completely glued to his gorgeous body. My heart races faster and my breath stops in the expectation of what is going to happen. I feel something poking on my hip and smile at the thought of what it could be.

" Kiss him, please" my wolf pleads and whines and howls for the need of feeling his lips on mines. And I need it too. I need to feel him closer to me, I need to feel his strong arms around me, hugging me tight while his hands explore every inch of my body. He smells so damn good. I disable my shield, lean even closer to him, already feeling his woody taste. I am about to kiss him when...

Eric clears out his throat.

I stand up quickly and Stash, as always, growls.

" What a pain in the ass" my wolf comments growling.

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