Chapter 30: Please don't.

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Alexander's POV

Everything sleeps. Nothing moves. The silky silence of the night has embraced everything but my thoughts, which continue running and thundering in my head, her soft breath on my feathers and the heat her body cedes me constantly. I run faster than ever before, trying to avoid thinking about how pleasurable it would be if I were in human form and she laid on me like she's doing now, naked if possible. I've learnt to hate her heat in this past few days, I've learnt to avoid all my instincts when she's next to me and how to block my wolf out of my mind, like I had to do back in her palace before she eventually figured out who I truly was and chose me as her mate.

It feels terrible. I have become in time so used to his amusing comments and his useful advices, or even to his constant mumbling in my head. He makes me feel less lonely than I am. And now that everything is quite and she's asleep, I need him more than anything else.

" Hey..." I begin speaking while taking away the wall I had put between our minds.

" You opened it!" His happy and amused voice sounds in my head. I was expecting him to be mad at me at least, but he isn't.

" Aren't you angry?" I ask him in astonishment.

" I was. But I saw what you were thinking even if you had me blocked out. You were right: resisting her is difficult for you as it is for me, and I was pressing you too much. I've been a terrible guardian and I'm so sorry about it. Will you ever forgive me?" He says so in such a pleasing way that I almost shout in happiness: my dearest part of me and I finally got together again!

" So... friends again?" I ask him after a while, already knowing the answer.

" Oh, we never really argued dude, I like teasing you far too much!" A loud laughter echoes in my head as I smile.

" Couldn't you two simply shut up!? We're trying to sleep!" A female voice shouts in my head in an extremely annoyed tone.

" Who are you?" I ask the voice as my wolf whispers, " This can't be" .

" Oh... You might be a king, but if you don't know who lives in your territory..." the voice starts answering, " I am Khalie, the Nocturnal of that cave and you, King Alexander, are disturbing my sleep."

" A what?" I ask her, or better it, confusedly and hardly worriedly.

" Alex, dude, we shall move... We don't want to be late for the, uhm... breakfast, do we?" My wolf tells me worriedly taking the control of his wolf body and running faster. I don't understand why he's so frightened by that voice... It was only a little insignificant voice able to speak with us by mind link...

" Oh! So you think I'm only a weak little voice, don't you!? Lewis had told me you were only a boy, but I didn't want to believe him. You don't deserve to rule this valley and the kingdom, for you aren't powerful enough." The voice rings in my head angrily. So this is why my wolf is so scared about it: it's been able to enter my mind even when I haven't wanted it inside my brain.

" Alexander... What's this noice?" Amber asks me whispering, filling the cold silence of the valley with her melodic sensual voice tone. Despite the arousal my wolf instantly feels, I succeed in keeping running while I tell her out loud, since the spirit is alright in my head and already knows what I'm going to say,

" A Nocturnal friend of your brother is in my head." Amber jumps immediately up on my back, whispering in my ear,

" Shift." My eye widen as my wolf starts imagining things... Considering I have a spirit in my head this is extremely embarrassing!

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