Chapter 3: The hunt

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Amber's POV

It's been a long day since I've felt so alive. And it's all Stash' fault. I can't believe he really growled every time Eric managed to move a bit closer to me and that, when we finished planning, he mumbled something about not touching me or he'd have their heads ripped off. It might sound strange, but I find it terribly nice.

Eric, on the other hand, tried to kill him twice, helped by an incredibly determined Zac. And I'd have him killed if he weren't that fast and strong.

I walk past my bedroom door and exit the palace. It's half past five in the morning. I see no one in the woods next to my castle. I feel my wolf getting frustrated, begging for a shift. There's no one out in the woods. I know it. I need to shift. And that's what I do.

I see my body changing form while I slip out of my pyjamas and move a step. My skin becomes slowly covered by golden fur and my hands become paws. I love my wolf. While I'm more than normal as a human, as a wolf my magic gets shown and makes the others see the difference. I'm unique.

I relax my muscles, happy to be able to go on a run before coming back to my human form. I run faster as I feel the cold breeze in my eyes, waking me up completely. Suddenly I sniff in the wind, looking for a good prey to make this time even more agreeable, when I am reached by a new track and my whole world changes: there's a sweet scent floating in the air and I can't help but howling as I recognise it.
My wolf whispers in my head "Mate".

I shiver and turn around, looking for him. I don't find him and feel his scent moving away from me. Whoever he is, he's gone.

Alex's POV

I wake up completely drenched and unable to stop shivering. I must have had another of those nightmares. I get up, not wanting to sleep anymore and look at the clock next to my bed in the Warriors room. It's ten past five in the morning. I shiver again, now for the freezing temperature, move towards the bathroom to have a shower and then go out for a walk.

Twenty minutes later I'm deep in the woods, half walking half running in human form, without knowing where to go.
I can't stop thinking about the Queen. Amber. Remembering her name sends sparks to my body and I move faster just to feel pain in my lungs and stop thinking of her. It is probably the worst idea I could ever have, because I'm a werewolf and I don't get that tired of running, while the only effect is that the freezing air destroys every last trace of sleepiness in my mind and now I can think of her even better.

Suddenly I hear a noise coming from my left. I turn around, imagining it would be a little bird or a squirrel, instead I see nothing but golden rays. I move closer to the light, enjoying its warming effect on my skin.

When I finally manage to find out who's the owner of that magic light I realise I am dreaming: in front of me stands a golden wolf that smells like the Queen. I try to approach it, wondering why I had dreamt about it, but a voice calls me in my head. It's my brother, Josh, who had been trying to contact me during this past two days but without any results.

" Alex, Alex... Are you ok bro? Do I have to come and pick you up? Is she torturing you? Bro if you don't replay now I swear I'll..."

" I'm here" I say, quite disappointedly. No one should dare asking me if I needed to be saved. I'm the strongest wolf in the country, I have enough skills to escape from a gorgeous Queen.

" Did you just think she is gorgeous?!?" Josh asks disapprovingly.

" Shut the fuck up bro" I say, this time more pissed off.

" Okay, okay... So you're alive uh? He asks back.

"Yes I am, and if you excuse me, I have a mission and I'm wasting my time" I say, and then close the mind link.
I turn back, hoping to find the golden wolf again, but it has gone.

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