Capter 5: At the court

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Amber's POV

I'm at the fairies' court.

Yes, of course I am. There's a deal not to bother other species with Vampires, Demons, Warlocks and Mermaids, but Fairies have been smart enough not to sign it. They enjoy too much themselves bothering werewolves. They like keeping us in small cages until our wolves don't feel pain and then feed us with their food not allowing us to escape anymore. And, furthermore, their queen is a real bitch. I know they're afraid of me, I mean, they know that I could just shift and kill them all. Not to mention the fact that I'm one of the most powerful enchanter in the world. But what about Stash? Thinking about him in danger makes me feel such a great hint of pain that I just shut the thought out of my mind. He is okay, he must be okay.
" Lythrinee, show yourself!" I shout. I know she's in the room, I can feel her deathly scent. Legend says that fairies were born from a single drop of the Moon Goddess' blood fallen on the Hell's floor when she went there to rescue her lover who was held in there from the Death Lord. They are beautiful and powerful like the Goddess, but as dirty and evil as the Hell's floor. They all have white pure skin and bloody red eyes. Plus, everybody knows they are immortal if not hurt. And this means never: killing a fairy is almost impossible.
A silvery chuckle wakes me up from my dream of killing them one by one to avenge all those who died because of their need of blood. I turn around and find an amused girl looking at me.
" The court greets you, your Majesty the Queen of all werewolves." She says in a derisive tone.
Typical of her. She wants me to get angry, she wants to laugh at me. Tsk! As if I were one of her stupid vassals. I'm not this easy to fool my dear!
" My Queen, I'm glad to see you haven't died yet" I tell her with my most mellifluous voice. She seems disappointed, but has still a derisive smirk on her beautiful yet cruel face.
" What brought you here, my Queen?" She smiles and I laugh loudly.
" Well, I've come here just to ask you a big favour. Are you interested, my Queen?" Now she looks confused. Ah! I've just deceived one of the most ancient creature in the world. I can't help but smirk, causing her to get scared even more.
" I came here, my Queen, to ask you and your court to check on my fur. I've fallen in a trap and I think it might have gotten dirty. Could you please check on it? I'd do it on my own but I can't! And so I thought, who else would check on me better than the Fairies' Queen? I came here immediately!" I tell her, smiling as a frown appears on her amazingly beautiful face. Aha! Move away bitch!
" W-well, if that's all you want... Are you sure you don't want me to get your friend Stash? Maybe he could help me to clean you up..." Ah! Fuck! She has a point, hasn't she?
" Oh no! Or when I shift back he'll see me naked! No, I can't show myself to anyone but you, my Queen" I tell her, smiling falsely.
" Oh! I thought he had already seen you without your clothes on, when I found you in the woods you were wearing only your t-shirt..." Now she smiles sheepishly.
" I had a dive into the lake... And I'm not a bad girl, only my mate will undress me!" I half-shout at her.
" Oh! What a shame, considering that your mate is the one you hate most"
Crack. Literally, I could swear something did crack beneath my skin. I mean, I knew it could be possible, but I hoped I won't have to mate him. Him, the man I hated most, the man who forced me to become who I am, to close everyone out of my shield. Him. A single tear falls down and disappears on the marble floor.
The Queen laughs a cold, cruel, sadistic laugh. This sound brings me back to reality. She has to die. No one can see me crying. Is a rule I've learnt in the past, and I'm certain I need to keep it. Crying makes people believe you're weak, and at the moment I cannot afford to be considered a worthless princess who keeps on crying, never standing up for her rights, waiting for a prince to come and save her. I am not that kind of girl. I've always fought for my freedom, and that's what I'll keep on doing until my last breath will leave my lungs and I'll fall dead on the ground. I let my overwhelming anger towards her fall out. I start shivering, harder and harder. Then, my head drops and golden light begins shooting out. The Queen stops, as to prevent my next move, but I'm not myself anymore. Now it's my unpredictable wolf the leader of my body and my magic. Even if the castle were destroyed, I wouldn't stop this rage. I have to let it go, I can't hold it back anymore. The Queen screams. She's been burnt. I hear her voice calling my name, begging me to stop.
" I want you to leave me and my warrior go. Then I'll send you a deal you must to sign. Your freedom is over. You're under the wolves now." My golden light envelopes her completely, making her screams even louder.
" Okay, you won. I, Lythrinee Blackwood, cede my power as the fairies' Queen to you, Amber Moonshade. Every single fairy in the world must obey you until someone else will regain my power. I solemnly swear on the Mother Earth, on the Moon Goddess and the Death Lord that I won't fight you or make anyone else fight against you. Ave, my Queen." Then, she cut her hand with a glass knife and let a few drops fall on the marble floor. They disappear in a golden flare, sanctioning the deal.
I let the anger inside me calm down, gaining my self-control back, and stop the flow of golden light. Then, I stare back at the now former queen, smiling.
" I suggest you call your guards and tell them you aren't their Queen anymore" I say in a threatening tone.
" Mellanhar, Ehijab, come here, I want you to meet your new Queen, Amber Moonshade" she shouts at two male fairies.
They both bow in respect to me, even if I can see that they don't fully agree with her decision.
" I want you to treat her like you've treated me before." She tells them. Then she looks at me, a deathly smile on her beautiful face " Good luck my Queen. I hope I won't see you again" she opens her brilliant wings and flies away.
" Bring me to my man, the silver werewolf" I tell my new guards.
" Yes, your Majesty"

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