Chapter 24: Family?

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Amber's POV

"My mate." He whispers.

" Who's your mate?" I ask Josh, my golden arm created by magic starts closing again around his throat. He widens his eyes and shakes his head, not wanting to answer. But he will. I know he will. My magic never fails. I tilt my head and deepen the pressure on his throat. He coughs a few times before finally lowering his head in submission and saying,

" Y-your brother..."

I look at him suspiciously, trying to understand if he's saying the truth.

" You're lying." I say again, and choose to change strategy: I change the magic of my flares. Men tend to hate when someone choke them, while women are afraid of blood and cuts. Usually this is the rule: use choking magic on men and cutting magic on women. That's what I've always done. But Josh is Alexander's brother. He's used to be tortured.

" Fine." I state. He's staring at me hatefully but I can see a hint of a smile on his eyes. Even if I almost killed him, he still has a high amount of energy. He still has hope. That's what I must do. I choose to use weakening flares instead of choking ones.

" Can you see this?" I start telling him. I twist my hand the way it touches him lightly: the effect is immediate. " It will weaken you every time you choose not to tell the truth. You have only two choices: or you tell me everything or you'll die in the most painful way ever. Are you ready to pay such a high price?"

He stares into my eyes intensively before shaking his head lightly. I finally did scare him.

" I'll ask this again: who are you working with?" I ask him keeping the flare a few inches away from his shocked face.

" My mate." He replies grinning a bit. I read his mind for a few seconds before narrowing my eyes at him and finally stating,

" Lie." His eyes widen again in fear, but he doesn't try to argue his point. I move the flare again, but he doesn't answer. It's time I take a bit of energy away from him. I shape the golden flare until it seems an arrow and throw it right inside his heart. He doesn't scream or cry, he just sighs.

" Look at me Josh. Do I seem to be a liar? When I promise something, be sure I'll keep that promise. And I promised my mate he would have known who tried to attack his own family. So I suggest you tell me everything you know or I swear I'll drain your body and then expose it to the whole world as worst traitor and coward ever." I tell him, every single word I say spilling poison. I don't want anybody to touch my forming family.

" You know, Amber... You shouldn't torture your brother." He says grinning.

" And I'm not." I say, " I believe Alexander has refused you as his own brother and so did Celia."

" You did it, right?" I ask Alexander through mind link. Just to be sure.

" Yes" he answers without any hesitation.

" Oh, but he is not the one I'm talking about." Josh replies weakly but still grinning.

" Then who are you talking about? Me? I left my brother a few days ago. We argued but I didn't even touch him." I tell him making sure everybody hear me. I would never hurt a member of my family willingly, neither if he is an arrogant crown thief like my brother.

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