Chapter 1

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*Laurens P.O.V*
My eyes open to the sun seeping through my curtains and the smell of bacon being cooked. I pick up my phone and check the time- 10am. Day three of living in Virginia and I already hate it. There's nothing to do here and I don't know anybody. My dad knocks on the door and peeks his head round, interrupting my thoughts

'oh good your up breakfasts nearly ready' he says.

I ignore him and look down at my phone. It's his fault we moved here. I got completely ripped away from all of my friends just so he could get a stupid job that pays more than it used to.

'Lauren I know you don't like it here, it's not been easy on any of us but you can't stay mad at me forever'

'whatever' I say turning round to face the wall. He walks out of my room shutting the door .

The only thing I like about this place is the scenery in our neighbourhood. It's nice and flat and has amazing views which is perfect for me since I love running. I decide to go on a run after breakfast so I get out of bed and throw on a hoodie and a pair of leggings and go downstairs.

I eat my bacon roll in silence then put my trainers on, grab my phone and earphones and dash out the door.

*Jacobs P.O.V*
I finish eating my breakfast and decide to go for a walk as its a lovely sunny day today. I put on my maroon vans and head out locking the door behind me.

*Laurens P.O.V*
I keep running not looking where I'm going and find myself in a big park which is mainly a grassy area but has a small play park in the corner.

I sit on a bench and get my breath back whilst pulling out my phone to snapchat my bestfriend Katy. It was now 12.00pm which means it would only be 9:00am back in California so she was probably still sleeping.

I get up to make my way home and realise I have absolutely no idea where i am. I can't even retrace my steps because I wasn't looking where I was going when I was running. My phone buzzes with a text message.

Mom- 'Where are you? we are having lunch with your dads new boss in an hour so you need to be home soon'.

I reply quickly with 'I'm out on a run I'll be home soon'. I spot a way that looks familiar and head in that direction.

*Jacobs P.O.V*
Ive been walking for about 15 minutes now and I decide to head to Roseville park as its a nice place to sit and think. I make my way up the path as I spot a brunette girl that looks about the same age as me walking in my direction. She keeps looking around as though she is lost so I decide to go up to her and ask if she's okay. As I walk up to her she notices me and we make eye contact. Her eyes are a bright shade of blue and and she is absolutely gorgeous.

"Hey I noticed your looking a little lost are you okay?" I ask her breaking the silence.

"Actually yeah I moved to Virginia 3 days ago and I came out on a run and now I'm completely lost" she says laughing.

"I can help you where are you trying to go?" I ask her.

"I live in Hawthorne lane do you know where that is?" She had a worried expression on her face.

"Yeah I live like 2 minutes from there I'll walk back with you"

"Are you sure? I don't want to interrupt your day you can just give me the directions if you want"

"I'm more than happy to come with you. I'm Jacob by the way" I say smiling.

"I'm Lauren" she says smiling back.

It all starts with a smile (Jacob Sartorius)Where stories live. Discover now