Chapter 7

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Me and Katy are sitting on my couch when the doorbell goes. I am wearing a navy and white stripped crop top with white shorts, my hair is straightened and down. Katy is wearing a light blue top with black leggings and has her hair in a messy bun.

I get up to get the door and am greeted by a smiling Jacob and his friend.

"Hi Jacob" I say to him.

"Hey Lauren this is Mark" He tells me.

"Hi and this is Katy" I say pointing to her.

They all say hi to each other and we go down to my massive basement.

"So what do you wanna do?" I ask them

"We could watch a movie" Says Mark looking at the massive screen on the wall.

"Yeah sure you guys pick a film and I'll go get some snacks" I say walking up the stairs.

I go into my kitchen and start making some popcorn when I hear somebody behind me. I turn round and see Jacob.

"Hey cutie I missed you"

"Jacob I saw you two days ago" I say laughing.

"That's two days too long"

He comes up to me and grabs me by the waist pulling me in for a kiss. Our lips touch and fireworks go off deep inside my stomach. We pull apart and I smile at him before leaning in again. This time we kiss for longer and his tounge brushes past my lips. When we finally part we gives me a long hug and then I go back to making the popcorn.

We walk down the stairs to the basement. I'm carrying two massive bowls of popcorn and a big bag of Doritos and Jacobs carrying a bottle of coke with four cups. We walk into the room to see Katy and Mark laughing and talking like they've known each other for ages.

Me, Jacob and Katy sit on one sofa with me in the middle and Mark sits on an armchair that he has just realised reclines and he can't stop making it go up and down.

"This is so fun" he laughs pressing the button to lie down again.

We put on the movie which is the fault in our stars and start watching.

About 15 minutes into the film Jacob puts his arm round me and pulls me closer. I snuggle into his chest and curl my legs up onto the couch so I am basically lying on it with my head on Jacob.

"Aww cuties" says Katy.

By the time the movies finished it's 5pm and Jacob said that him and Mark should probably go home.

Their just about to leave when I have a brilliant idea.

"Wait why don't you guys just stay over? we can sleep in the basement."

"Yeah it'll be so much fun" agrees Katy.

"Ok we'll go and get our stuff then" says Jacob.

Him and Mark leave so I go and tell my mom that their staying.

"Okay just don't stay up too late and don't be too loud" she says.

"We won't" I say smiling.

I'm so excited.

It all starts with a smile (Jacob Sartorius)Where stories live. Discover now