Chapter 28

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I checked my phone. 4:45pm. Time to go I started walking to the park. I'm honestly so scared who is this?

I arrived at the park with 5 minutes to spare I looked around but I didn't see anyone. I shivered. It was late October so it was getting quite cold. Just as I was pulling my sleeves over my hands to warm them up I heard some leaves crunching behind me. I turned round and was face to face with Hunter.

"Hello Jacob" he said giving me an evil grin.

"You texted me? What are you even doing in Virginia don't you live in Arizona?" I was shocked.

"I'm here to win over Lauren"


"Side chick 1 and 2 ring a bell?" He laughs.

"Whatttttt? How? When?" I stutter.

"I set those contacts in your phone ages ago because I knew I would be  able to use them at some point. My mom suggested a vacation to Virginia a few weeks ago and I immediately took to her offer. We're staying here for a month and I knew that I had to take the opportunity so I sent the texts and waited. After I knew that you and Lauren broke up I realised that my plan worked and know I'm going to make her mine." He finished.

"Wtf Hunter that's so pathetic she doesn't like you"

"She does and if she doesn't then she will by the time my parties over"

"What party?" I asked

"My Halloween party"

"Well me and Lauren aren't going"

"Yes you are. Everyone is and if you don't I promise you you will regret it."

"Is that a threat?"

"No I'll see you on Halloween you better have a good costume. Bye Jacob." he smirked and walked away.

My brain processes everything that just happened. I hate Hunter so much. I need Lauren back.


I was just finishing my school work when I heard a knock on my door. I got up and went to open it.

"Hey Lauren" I hear Hunters voice.

"What the hell? What are you doing here? How do know where I live?"

Hunter opens his mouth to speak.

"Actually I don't wanna know just stay away from me" I close the door.

"Wait" he sticks his foot into my house so that I can't close the door. "Come to my Halloween party"

"Eww why would I want to"

"Because if you don't Jacob will get hurt"

"Umm okay bye" I manage to close the door.

5 minutes later I hear the door being knocked on. It must be hunter again.

I open the door. "What is it now Hunt- oh hey Jacob"

"Has Hunter been here?" He asks worriedly.

"Yeah he came to invite me to his Halloween party"

"Oh. Listen I need to tell you something. Can I come in?"

"Yeah" I open the door wider and let him in. We go into the living room and sit on the couch.

"So last night I got a text from a random number telling me to meet them at the park today or you would get hurt. Of course I went and it was Hunter. He told me that he set the whole me cheating on you thing up and he was doing it because he wanted you. Then he invited me to his Halloween party and said i would regret if I didn't go."

"He told me you would get hurt if I didn't go" I say.

"I suppose we'll both have to go then"

We both sit there awkwardly for a moment. He stands up.

"I should go"

"No you don't have to"

"Okay" he sits back down.

"We've only got a week till the party we should go in some sort of joint costume just to piss hunter off"

"Yeah what though?"

"Emm how about mickey and Minnie? Or you could be a cop and I'll be a robbber"

"Yess I like that one"

We look online for outfits and find Jacob a good cop one. I find a black and white stripy dress and a black eye mask. We order them then order pizza since it's 7 and we both haven't eaten.

Once the pizza arrives we watch a Halloween movie to get into the spirit.

"Maybe the party won't be so bad" I say as the movie finishes.

"Yeah all we need to do is stay away from Hunter and we'll be fine" Jacob agrees.

Jacobs phone rings and he picks it up.

"Yeah I'm just at Laurens I'll be home soon. Oh is it I didn't realise. bye love you" he hangs up.

"It's my mom she wants me to go home since it's nearly 11pm"

"I didn't realise it was so late. I'll give you a lift" I offer.

"No it's fine it's not far. Where are your parents by the way?"

"There away for the week but I insist come on" I grab my keys and make my way to the door.

"Fine then but I'm picking the music"

"Whatever J" I giggle.

We get into the car and he grabs the aux cord. A second later all my friends is getting blasted through the speakers.
We sing along until we reach his house. I turn off the engine and he pulls the aux cord out of his phone.

"Thanks Lauren I lov-" he blushes. I reach forward and pull his head towards me. We kiss.

"I miss you" I whisper.

"Me too" he takes off his seat belt and starts to open the door.

"Wait" I call. "Just one more" he turns back and kisses me again. My stomach feels heavy with butterflies. I want this feeling to last forever.

"I have to go now" he gets out of the car and starts walking to his house just as he's about to open the door he turns and waves. I smile and wave back then start the engine up and drive home.

It all starts with a smile (Jacob Sartorius)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt