Chapter 20

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We arrive at the trampolining park and go inside. I see a floor of trampolines and foam pits.

"This is so cool"

"I know I told you you'd love it" Jacob says.

The best bit was that we had it all to ourselves, Bart had rented it out for us.

A worker came and told us the rules and gave us socks then we were free to do whatever we wanted.

All the boys started doing backflips and they made me film it for there Snapchat's.

"Lauren film mine" Hunter said thrusting his phone into my hand.

"Eww no" I threw his phone at him and walked off.

Oops I was supposed to be ignoring him. Oh well.

Jacob came up to me.

"Lauren come to the basketball bit"

"They have basketball? Let's go"

We bounced over to some basketball hoops that were in a section enclosed by a net.

"Right let's see who can shoot the most hoops in a minute" Jacob said.

"Okay but I'm gonna win. Set a timer on your phone"

"Nah everyone knows I'm the best baller in Virginia" Jacob laughed pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Oh you've not seen me yet" I say grabbing two basketballs from the holder thing. I chuck one at Jacob.

"Three Two One Go!!!" Shouts Jacob.

We both start shooting which was surprisingly hard when ur on a trampoline.


The timer went off.

"That was not one minute. How many did you get?" I ask Jacob.

"20 you?" Jacob says proudly.

"22 I WIN YASSSS" I shout.

"No way I demand a rematch" Jacob says annoyed.

"I'll play" a voice says stepping into the enclosed area.

It's Hunter.

"Sorry man-whores aren't allowed to play basketball" says Jacob smirking at him.

Hunter gives Jacob a death glare, walks up to the basketballs, grabs one and throws it at Jacobs face, hitting him square in the nose.

"WHAT THE HELL HUNTER" I shout at him.

"He deserved it. Bye bitches" he says flouncing off.

Jacob cups his nose with his hand which is now covered in blood.

"Are you okay?" I worriedly ask him.

"No my nose hurts like hell"

"C'mon let's go to the toilet to clean you up" I say grabbing his arm.

We go to the disabled bathroom and Jacob washes his hands. He then holds toilet paper under his nose and tries to stop it bleeding.

"God second time in two days" I say.

"I know I'm actually going to kill Hunter"

"No you're not we only have an hour till we leave and then we don't have to see him again" I say happily.

"Thank god, I think I need to go to the medical people I think my nose is broken".

"Let me see"

He takes the tissue away and I touch his nose applying the tiniest bit of pressure. He winces and pulls away.

"Yeah I think it is"

We walk out of the bathroom and find a medical room thing.


We were finally in the car on the way home. After everything that had happened I just wanted to go home and sleep. Hunter had got into massive trouble for breaking my nose and he was banned from the next Magcon event.

"Do you guys wanna stop here for some food?" My mom says.

I look out the window to see we're passing chick-fil-A. My home.

"Of course just go through the drive thru though" I say.

We order and get our food which I hungrily.

On the way to my house we stop at Laurens and she puts her bag in her house and says hi to her parents she then gets back in the car and comes to mine for a bit and helps me unpack. Mark also comes round.

"Hey bro I missed you how was Magcon?" He asks as he walks into my bedroom.

"Great did you know about Lauren surprising me?"

"Yeah she told me. What happened to your nose by the way"

"Hunter happened"

"Oh my god have you seen his tweets what's going on with you and him?"

"No what did he say?" I pull my phone out and go onto hunters twitter page.

@hunterrowland : Think you can just treat me like that and get away with if you saggytit

@hunterrowland : wish I'd broken more than just your nose.

Oh god messy Monday must be loving this.

I press the icon to make a new tweet and start typing.

Lauren comes over to see what I'm doing.

"Jacob you just have to ignore him. If you show that he's annoying you then he'll know he's won. He's just trying to get attention, don't give him it"

"Fine but when I next see him he's getting it"

"When are you next gonna see him since he's not doing Magcon anymore?" Lauren asks me.

"I don't know actually" I say thinking.

"I do it's vidcon next month and he'll be there" Mark says.

"Oh yeah. Shit"

"Oh my god" Lauren practically shouts looking at her phone.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"I just hit 700k on Instagram"

"Yayyy well done" I hug her and Mark congratulates her as well.

It all starts with a smile (Jacob Sartorius)Where stories live. Discover now