Chapter 8

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By the time we get back to Lauren's its 6:30pm. I have my rucksack with me but I didn't have much with me just comfy clothes to sleep in and clothes for tomorrow. Mark didn't need to go home cause he already had stuff at my house since he stayed over the night before.

Lauren opens the door and welcomes us in. We go down to the basement to see that the sofa we sat on earlier was a sofa bed and had now been made into a bed. There was also a two mattress's on the floor with tons of blankets and pillows.

Even though the room had been filled with beds it was still really big and we had tons of space. Me and Mark put our bags down.

"Lets order pizza" says Lauren. "Hang on I'll go get my laptop".

She leaves the room and me, Mark and Katy start talking. When she reappears she has a gold MacBook in her hand.

She sits down and opens it up.

"I want lots of cheese on my pizza" says Mark. "And make sure it's a large i'm starving" he continues.

"Okay what does everyone else want?" Lauren says laughing.

We order the rest of the pizza and then wait 15 minutes for it to arrive.

When the doorbell rings we all race upstairs to get the door but Mark beats everyone.

"Haha suckers the pizzas all mine" he laughs and opens the door grabbing the pizza from the surprised delivery guy.

Lauren hands him the money and thanks him before we go back down to the basement.

"Oh my god it smells so good" says Katy.

"Yeah I'm so hungry" I agree with her.

We eat the pizza and watch tv. It only takes 10 minutes for every slice to be eaten.

"I'll get the Ben and Jerrys" says Lauren running upstairs.

"I'll come with you" says Katy following her.

When their both out of the room Mark turns to me.

"So are you and Lauren dating or...?" He asks.

"No but we've kissed a few times and I really like her" I reply.

"Well you guys are so cute together I think you should ask her to be your girlfriend" he says.

"I will but at the right time I need to make it perfect" I tell him.

"What do you need to make perfect?" Says Lauren reappearing with a tub of chocolate fudge brownie in her hand. Yum my favourite.

"Nothing you need to worry about" I say blushing a bit.

"Okay then. So me and Katy where thinking we should play truth or dare"

"YEAHHH" shouts Mark. I think he got a bit hyper from the pizza.

We all laugh and eat the ice cream then sit in a circle to play the game.

Lauren starts.


"Mark truth or dare" I say.

"Dare obviously"

"Okay I dare you to close your eyes and scroll through your contacts and pick one. Whoever you pick you have to call and get really pissed at them and say that you don't want anything to do with them anymore."

"Okay" he says unlocking his phone.

He scrolls through and clicks on somebody.

"Oh no it's Loren" He's says laughing.

"Who's that?" I ask.

"She's our friend that's also really internet famous" explains Jacob.

Mark starts the call and she picks up straight away.

"Hey Mark" she says.

"Loren I just heard what you said about me I can't believe you would do that never speak to me again" he says sounding angry.

"What are you talking about I never said anything about you"

"Stop making excuses goodbye" he says hanging up.

We all laugh and mark looks guilty.

"Can I text her and say it's a joke? I feel really bad" He asks.

"Okay and your asking next" Katy says.

He quickly texts her then asks Jacob.

"Truth or dare?"

"Umm dare" he answers.

"I dare you and Lauren to spend seven minutes in heaven"

Jacob blushes and stands up. So do I.

"Okay" he says and we walk into the small bathroom that is in the basement.

"I'll set a timer" shouts Katy.

We laugh and close the door.


I look into Lauren's eyes and let myself get lost in them. They're blue but also have a hint of green running through them. Beautiful. Just like her.

Lauren clears her throat. "Umm" I get snapped out of my daze and she leans in for a kiss.

I wrap my hands around her waist and the kiss gets heated as our tongues enter each other's mouths.

The door suddenly bursts open and I look up to see Mark and Katy there.

"Your seven minutes is over" Mark cheers.

I grab Laurens hand and we go and sit on the couch.

"Jacob your asking next" says Lauren.

"Katy truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss Mark"

"Okay" she says laughing nervously. I think she likes Mark.

She turns to Mark and they both lean in and kiss.

They part and both look slightly embarrassed.

"Okay my turn to ask" says Katy.

"Lauren truth or dare?"

"Since all of you have done a dare I'll go with truth".

"What's your most embarrassing moment?" She asks Lauren. This should be interesting.

"Let me think" she says. Then starts laughing.

"Okay so one time this boy I liked invited me to his house and while I was there I needed to poop so I went to the bathroom and did it. Then when I tried to flush it it wouldn't go down so I just put tons of toilet paper on top of it. I never told him and then the next day he had told me that he had to get a plumber because his toilet got blocked".

We all burst out laughing.

"Let's just say that relationship never went anywhere" she says hysterically.

We go on playing truth or dare till about 10pm and then we decide to watch another movie. This time it's a horror one.

It all starts with a smile (Jacob Sartorius)Where stories live. Discover now