Chapter 14

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"So your up for coming to Magcon with me tomorrow?" I say into my phone.

"Yeah but i still don't see why you told him you couldn't come" says Maddie.

"Because I'm going to surprise him" I tell her. 

"Okay so what time are we meeting"

"Well it starts at 2pm so come to my house at 12?" I say glancing at the tickets.

"Okay see you tomorrow" she says and hangs up.

I pack a bag for tomorrow. I take spare clothes because I'm secretly hoping that Jacob will ask me to stay at the hotel. I also take food, money and a portable phone charger.

I get a text from Jacob.

Jacob- Hey cutie can't wait to see you in three days when I get home❤️❤️

I smile to myself. Little did he know he would be seeing me tomorrow.

Lauren- Me too I miss you❤️❤️

Jacob- I miss you too baby❤️❤️

I lock my phone and put it on charge before I get ready for bed.

I get into bed and watch some of Jacobs old YouTube videos. I miss his face.

I've not really planned out how I'm going to surprise him tomorrow but I'm sure I'll figure it out once I'm there.


I'm standing backstage at our first show in Virginia.

"He's your favourite muser and youtuber please welcome Jacob Sartorius" the announcer shouts.

The crowd screams as I run past and high five them. I jump up on the stage and am handed a microphone. Once all the boys are out we jump around to a few songs and get the crowd hype.

The announcer then says that everybody in groups A and B should head to the meet and greet area. I walk over to my bit and get ready to meet my fans.

While I am meeting people Johnny Orlando performs on stage. It's getting to the end of the group when I spot someone I recognise. It's Maddie Lauren's friend. I smile and wave at her and she waves back.


"Oh shoot he saw me" says Maddie. "He's waving at me".

"Wave back" I tell her.

We are waiting in Jacobs meet and greet line. I am wearing a hoodie with the hood up and some sunglasses so he  doesn't notice me.

We finally reach the front of the queue.

"Right take your sunglasses off but keep your hood up" Maddie says.

"Okay" I say and hand the person that takes the pictures my phone. I then hand Maddie my sunglasses

Jacob finishes with the person in front of me and I run up to him. I pull down my hood and as soon as he sees who I am his whole face lights up.

"LAUREN!! but I thought you couldn't come" he says confused.

"I wanted to surprise you. oh and for my pose I want to kiss you" I say grinning.

"Anything for you princess" he leans in and kisses me.

The crowd around us go wild. We stay kissing for ages.

"Umm guys" someone says.

I turn around and see Cameron Dallas standing infront of me.

"Get a room" he says laughing.

Me and Jacob hug and I start to walk away to let the next person meet him.

"Wait" he says pulling me back "You and Maddie can come back stage".

I grab my phone and me and Maddie get led by a security guard to backstage where we watch the rest of the show.


I can't believe she's here. I do the rest of the show feeling happier than I normally do. Once it's over I go backstage to find Lauren. I find her sitting alone on a seat on her phone.

"Where's Maddie?" I ask hugging her.

"Oh she had to leave"

"Do you want to stay at the hotel tonight?" I ask her. " I'm in a room on my own since there's an uneven number of us".

"Yeah sure I actually brought spare clothes just in case" she says laughing. "I'm gonna phone my mom to let her know what's going on"

"Okay come to this room when your done" I say pointing to a door on the left.

"Okay" she says putting the phone to her ear.

It all starts with a smile (Jacob Sartorius)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora