Chapter 26

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I woke up with a sick feeling in my stomach. Jacob. Why did he cheat on me? I looked at my phone to see 26 missed calls from him and 57 texts. I ignored them and went on snapchat. I sent my streaks at looked at stories. I saw Jacobs story It was a selfie of him with  his eyes closed and a tear on his cheek. It was captioned 'I'm sorry, I love you❤️😓' i felt guilty seeing him crying then I remembered what he did. I turned of my phone and got out of bed. Just as I was going downstairs to get food my phone started ringing.

Jacob is calling

I declined and carried on walking down the stairs. The thought of blocking him crossed my mind but as much as I hated him right now I didn't have the heart to block him. I got some cereal and a bag of chips. I went back upstairs, ate, showered and got back into bed watching tv.
I went on like this for a few days. Jacob went on trying to contact me. I finally gave in and answered.


"Lauren oh my god you have to listen to me"

"No jacob stop calling me"

"Please just listen to me" I heard him crying.

"I'm not ready just give me a week and I'll meet you" why did I say that I don't want to see him.

"Thank you so much meet me at the park this time next week"

I hung up the phone. I wanted to see Jacob so much I still loved him but he really hurt me. My heart ached as I thought of the texts I saw on his phone.

I decided to ask Mark to come round to see if he could cheer me up. I phoned him.

"Hey Lauren I heard about what happened are you okay?"

"I don't know" my voice cracked as a tear fell down my face. "Can you come round?"

"Sure I'll be there in ten"

I hung up the phone and got dressed since I was still in pyjamas. I made an attempt to make myself look half decent by tying my hair up and putting on some concealer. The doorbell rang. I slowly walked downstairs and opened the door.

"Lauren" Mark hugged me. "I'm so sorry Jacobs a dick"

I hugged him back and we went up to my room.

"So have you spoken to Jacob about what happened?" I asked him.

"Yeah he explained it to me and tried to say that he didn't know the people that where texting him but he obviously did. He had contact names for them and everything"

"Yeah side chick #1 and side chick #2" I rolled my eyes. "He could at least admit to it rather than trying to make up excuses"

"I know I got annoyed at him but he just kept saying it wasn't him and he needed to talk to you"

"I'm meeting him next week"

Mark looked surprised "really?"

"I'm gonna have to at some point. I might as well get it over with so I can move on from him"

"Yeah I suppose so" Mark said.

"Thanks for being a good friend Mark I don't know what I'd do without you"

"Your welcome Lauren" he smiled.

We stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds and slowly started to lean in...

We kissed and I felt sparks but not as strong as they are with Jacob. We parted and stared at each other. I leaned in again.

"Wait" Mark whispered "are you sure you want to do this to Jacob?"

"Shut up Mark f**k Jacob I never realised how much I like you" A smile formed on marks lips and we leaned in again.

We started making out and layed down on my bed. I was developing feeling for Mark by the second. We were interrupted by my phone ringing. It was Jacob. I decided to pick it up.

"What is it?"

"Where are you right now" he said.

"At home why?"

"Bye" he hung up. Wtf.

I layed back down on my bed and kept going with Mark. He took of his shirt. Omg he's so hot.


F**k waiting a week I'm going to her house now. I didn't cheat on her. I don't know who sent those texts or who set the contacts but when I find out I'm going to kill them. I walked up to Laurens house and knocked on the door. No answer. I turned the doorknob and it opened. I slowly walked in.

"Lauren?" I looked around for her.


Me and Mark where going further and further. I was now shirtless but I was still wearing a bra. He was pulling off his shorts when the door suddenly burst open. Me and Mark sprung apart. It was Jacob. His eyes widened.

"What?" Was all he got out before he started crying. He ran down the stairs.

Mark looked embarrassed. He started to pull on his shorts again. "Umm I should go"

"No you don't need to. Why was he in my house anyway. He basically broke in. Mark I think I like you"

"Look Lauren I shouldn't have done that. Your still getting over Jacob and your probably confused right now. Let's leave it for a few weeks and see how you feel. If u still like me then we can take it from there because I like you too" he finished putting on his clothes and turned to walk away.

"Okay I see what you mean. Bye Mark"

I walked to the door with him.

"Bye Lauren" we hugged and he walked out closing the door behind him.


I ran and ran all the way to the woods. I sat down against a tree and cried my eyes out. Thoughts were running through my head.

Why did she cheat on me? I didn't even cheat on her. How could Mark do that? I still love her.

I still love her and now all I'm left with is a broken phone and a broken heart.

Please comment what you think I don't know if i like this chapter💕

It all starts with a smile (Jacob Sartorius)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora