Chapter 18

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*Laurens P.O.V*

I wait silently in my hiding place. I'm hiding on the roof of the hotel where me and Jacob where last night. I've been waiting for about half an hour and I'm beginning to get cold. The door suddenly bursts open so I run and hide behind a metal box thing. I crouch down and peek through a hole in the box to see Jacob looking around.

"Found you Lauren"

I look up to see him staring down at me.

"Who do you still have to find?" I ask him standing up.

"Just Hunter"

"Ok well I'll go back to Cams room then" I say as we walk inside the building. We get into the elevator and I get off at the right floor leaving Jacob to find Hunter.

I walk into Cameron's room and see the rest of the boys sitting around on their phones.

"Hey Lauren is Jacob still looking?" Blake asks me as I sit down on the bed.

"Yeah he's only got Hunter to find" I tell him.

Me and Blake talk for a bit and then he goes live on YouNow.

We broadcast for about half an hour and then I realise that Jacob and Hunter still aren't back.

I call Jacob. Straight to voicemail. I call again and again and he doesn't pick up. I begin to get worried and tell Blake to call Hunter. He does and he doesn't pick up either. Where are they? It's half past midnight.

I keep calling Jacob and go to our room to see if he's there. Maybe he fell asleep. The room is empty so I go down to reception.

"Excuse me have you seen two boys in the last half hour that are about my age?" I worriedly ask the woman working at the reception.

She sighs looking tired "I saw two boys walking out there" she points to the door "they were arguing and one of them looked really mad" she tells me.

"Okay thank you" I say. I run out of the door and am instantly faced by a war zone.

Jacob and Hunter are full on fighting. Jacob has a bloody nose and his jeans are ripped. Hunters hand is bleeding and he has a black eye. Hunter is about to swing another punch at Jacob but I run in and pull Jacob away.

"What the hell are you doing!!??" I ask them both.

"It doesn't matter Lauren come with me to the room" Jacob says trying to pull me inside.

"No it does matter tell me" I say.

"Well..." Hunter says looking down.

"Well Hunter is a dick. Now lets go" Jacob manages to drag me though the door and we go up to the room.

*Jacobs P.O.V*

As soon as we get into the hotel room Lauren starts at me.

"Jacob you better tell me why you and Hunter why fighting. I was worried about you"

"Okay okay just let me get cleaned up first" I say trying to stall it as much as possible. The reason why is quite embarrassing actually.

I go into the bathroom and Lauren follows me. I get some toilet roll and try to clean up my face.

"Here let me help you" she says.

I sit on the counter while she dampens a piece of tissue and presses it lightly into my face. After a few minutes of wiping and dabbing at bits on my nose she announces that she is finished.

I go back into the room and take of my ruined jeans to see a massive cut on my knee. I wince as Lauren presses another piece of tissue on it. After that's all clean I pull on a pair of joggers and wash my hands in the bathroom. When I get back into the room Lauren is sitting on the bed with a questioning look on her face.

"Now are you going to tell me or do I need to go and ask Hunter?"

Hell no I'm not letting Hunter lay eyes on her ever again.

"No no I'll tell you" I say. "So after i found Hunter we where walking back up to the room when we got onto the subject of you. He started talking about how lucky I was to have you and that if we ever broke up he'd be here to 'take you on'" I say making air quotes. "So then I started to get annoyed at him and I told him that he better not go near you and he said that he already had and done much more than that."

Lauren looks at me with a strange look on her face.

"We then started arguing and we took it outside where he punched me so I punched him back and then we started properly fighting then you came out and found us".

Lauren looks relieved. I don't know why.

"So just checking but nothing has happened between you and Hunter has it?" I ask her.

The look of relieve is suddenly changed to a look of guilt.

Oh no...

A/N Sorry I haven't uploaded in nearly a month I've been so busy with school. Now that summers almost here I'll upload much more frequently💞

It all starts with a smile (Jacob Sartorius)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt