Chapter 31

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I wake up the next morning with Jacobs arms around me. I grab my phone of my nightstand and switch it on. The brightness of it makes my head hurt so I turn it back off and close my eyes. What even happened last night? All I remember is going to the party and then throwing up at my house but what happened in between?

I feel like I'm about to throw up again so I run to the bathroom but I end up not throwing up. I look in the mirror and see a mess My eyes are all bloodshot, my hair is a birds nest, most of my makeup is still on and my head is pounding. Maybe my drink was drugged. I take off what's left of my makeup then walk back into my room and get under the covers before falling back asleep.


I wake up and check my phone. The time reads 11:30. Lauren's in a deep sleep so I leave her and go to the restroom. After I'm done I go downstairs and see Mark and Maddie on the couch watching tv.

"Hey" I say walking into the room.

"Oh hey bro. We just stayed the night cause we couldn't be bothered going home" Mark says.

"Cool have you guys eaten?" I ask them.

"We where actually just about to go out to get breakfast. You can join us if u want?" Maddie says.

"Nah I should stay with Lauren she's probably not feeling the best after last night" I say.

"Awww cute #relationshipgoals" Mark shouts.

I smirk and go into the kitchen. I look through the cupboards and find all the stuff I need to make pancakes. I start making the batter and just as I'm about to pour some onto the pan Mark comes in.

"We're off see you later" he says.

"Bye have a good date" I laugh.

He rolls his eyes and leaves. I continue making pancakes until I have a plateful of about ten. I grab two glasses from the cupboard and put water in both of them. Then I get another plate and go upstairs to find Lauren still sleeping. I set the food down on her dresser and attempt to wake her up.

"Laurenn" I shake her. She groans and rolls over.

"Cmon it after 12 you need to get up"

"My head hurts" she mumbles.

"I'll get you some aspirin. Drink this" I hand her the glass of water and go to the medicine cabinet in her bathroom to get aspirin.

"Here" I hand her the pill which she puts in her mouth as well as a big gulp of water and swallows.

I grab her laptop and the plate of pancakes and get into her bed beside her. I switch it on and go onto Netflix.

"What do you wanna watch?" I ask her.

"Hmm how about Arthur Christmas?"

I give her a look.

"What? Halloweens over so now it's time for Christmas".

I laugh and put the movie on. And that's how we spend the rest of the day. Watching Christmas movies and eating pancakes.

I glance at the clock. 6pm. "I should go" I say standing up

"Noo" She says pulling me back into her bed.

"My mom wants me home. Where are your parents? Shouldn't they be back by now?" I ask.

"Yeah they were supposed to only be gone a week but it's been nearly two and I haven't been able to contact them for five days" she looks worried.

"That's weird" I frown "maybe you should stay with me till they get back".

Her face lights up "yeah I'll go pack my stuff now".

I laugh "okay I'm gonna go to my house and tell my parents"

"Wait will they be okay with it? I don't want to be rude" she worries.

"No no they'll be fine with it they love you" I assure her.

She relaxes a bit "are you sure?"

"Of course" I kiss her. "I'll see you soon" then I walk downstairs and go to my own house.


I shower and pack up my stuff into a small bag. I wonder where my parents are. I'm getting really worried now what if something's happened to them. I get my phone and scroll through my contacts. After clicking on my moms name I press call and hold the phone to my ear. It goes straight to voicemail. The same thing happens with my dad.

I get up from where I'm sitting on my bed and go downstairs. I make sure all of the lights are switched off and all of the doors are locked then I leave. I decide to take my car even though his house is only a few minutes away.

Once I arrive I park opposite his house and get out of the car. I walk up to his house and ring the doorbell. Jacob answers looking cheery.

"Hey are you hungry I just ordered pizza" he says letting me in.

"Yeah I'm starving" I smile and we go to his kitchen.

Jacobs mom was there "Lauren I want you to know you can stay as long as you want. You're always welcome her" she says.

"Thank you so much" I hug her.

Me and Jacob spend the rest of the night eating pizza and talking.

It all starts with a smile (Jacob Sartorius)Where stories live. Discover now