Chapter 4

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I catch sight of Lauren walking towards me and instantly smile she looks gorgeous.

"Hi" she says.

"Hey how was school?" I ask her.

"It was ok I guess" she says as we start walking towards Starbucks.

It takes us about ten minutes to get there and when we do we order our drinks. I get a caramel frappe and Lauren gets a java chip. I insist on paying although she tries to.

We find a table by the window and sit down. I look outside to see a group of about 10 girls standing there. They suddenly all scream and run inside the shop. Oh no their fans. I love all my fans but right now was the worst time they could have turned up.


Wtf who are these girls and why are they here? They all crowd round Jacob and ask for pictures and get him to sign things. Is he famous or something? Now I feel really stupid what if he's somebody really famous and I didn't even know.

I sit there awkwardly sipping my drink and getting completely ignored.

When they finally all clear away and it's just me and Jacob again I ask him about it.

"This might sound really stupid but are you famous?"

"Well kind of. I'm social media famous" he replies.

I felt relieved. I thought I was completely ignorant and didn't know who he was. The social media thing explained it all. "So what exactly does that mean? the only social media I have is snapchat" I say

"Well I have lots of Instagram followers and I post YouTube videos as well but I started out on vine"

"What's vine?"

"It's an app where you post 6 second comedy videos"

"Sounds cool so is that why your homeschooled?"

"That and I used to get badly bullied"

"Aw Jacob I'm so sorry" I say and realise that the girls in the bathroom at school where talking about him.

"It's okay they don't get to me anymore now that I have so many internet friends"

We both finish our drinks and get up to go home.


I'm glad Lauren knows now but I'm kind of scared it will affect the way she acts towards me.

We walk home and make good conversation with each other.

When we reach her door she stops and turns towards me.

"I had a really good time today Jacob"

"Me too we definitely need to do it again"

We stand staring into each other's eyes for a few moments before we both lean in and our lips meet.

Kissing her was amazing. Fireworks went off in my stomach. It felt magical I never wanted it to end. But it did.

She pulls back and we grin at each other before she walks into her house.

It all starts with a smile (Jacob Sartorius)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ