Chapter 12

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I wake up at 11:00 and snapchat Jacob. We snapchat each other for a bit and then I go downstairs to get breakfast since its 12pm.

"Morning or should i say afternoon" my dad says.

I smile back at him. I really didn't mind living in Virginia now actually I was kind of glad we moved here. If we hadn't I would never have met Jacob.

I make some breakfast and go back to my room to watch some YouTube.

I come across Cameron Dallas. Man he's hot. Nearly as hot as Jacob. I stalk his videos a bit and find that Jacob is in a few. The ones he is in include a lot of other boys. I wonder who they all are, they're all really good looking.

My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on my door.

"Come in" I say.

The door opens and Maddie walks in.

"Time to get you ready for the big date. Go and shower now."

"Alright mom" I say laughing as I walk into the bathroom.

I shower and put on a bath robe. Maddie blow dries and curls my hair making it look really nice. I then do my makeup. I put on eyeliner, mascara, concealer and my Mac lipstick.

"Right time to find your outfit" Maddie says.

We go into my walk in wardrobe and search for a dress. I pull out a few as does Maddie and I pick my favourite which is long sleeved and tight. It was black with a pretty pink floral pattern. I put it on and look in the mirror. I looked amazing.

"Wow" is all Maddie says. "Oh and you'll need these" she holds up a pair of all black converse.

"I almost forgot about shoes thanks Maddie" I say slipping them onto my feet. "And thanks so much for helping me get ready".

Just then the doorbell rings. Perfect timing.

I grab my purse and put in my lipstick, mascara, my phone and some money just in case.

I run downstairs and open the door.


The door opens and I see Lauren. She looks absolutely amazing.

"Hey Lauren you look gorgeous"

She smiles and I hand her the flowers that I'm holding.

"Thanks Jacob you don't look to bad yourself. Hang on I'm just gonna put these in some water" she says disappearing.

I look down at what I'm wearing. A blue button up shirt with some brownish coloured jeans with my blue vans.

She reappears at the door and steps outside.

"Bye mom I'll text you when I'm on my way home" she calls out.

"Okay see you later have fun" her mom calls back.

She closes the door and I put my hand in hers. We start walking.

"So where are we going?" Lauren asks me.

"Secret you'll have to wait till we get there" I say.

"But I want to knowww"

I laugh "we'll be there in 5 minutes" I tell her.

We keep walking until we reach it.

"We're here" I say.


I look up the building we are standing in front of. We are at a movie theatre. We walk in and Jacob goes to the desk and asks for his reservation. We are then lead to door which the worker opens.

We walk inside the room and the first thing I see is a romantic looking table with two pizzas and dough balls. Behind the table is a large screen with a sofa in front of it. We are in a private screening.

Jacob pulls out a chair at the table and I sit down.

"Jacob this is amazing"

"I wanted to show you how much I love you princess"

"I love you too"

We ate our meal making good conversation. He brings up an event he's going to soon.

"So I'm going to this event called magcon have you ever heard of it?" He asks me.

"Yeah I've heard the name but I don't know what it is."

"Well it stands for meet and greet convention. Basically me and a bunch of other boys tour around the world meeting our supporters. The next dates have just been released and we are having one in Virginia"

"Omg really I should come"

"Yeah I'll get you tickets you should bring Maddie or something"

"Yeah I definitely will"

Once we have finished our meal we cuddle up on the couch and watch the movie. I don't know what it was called but it was quite good.


Once the movie is finished me and Lauren decide to go the arcade and play some of the games.

We play the basketball and she's quite good but not as good as me.

After we've played some more games we walk around for a bit and find a claw machine that has lots of cute stuffed animals inside it. I decide to try and win one for Lauren.

I try but it's really hard. I eventually managed to win a teddy bear that's holding a red heart in its hands.

I go up to Lauren who is playing at one of those machines where you put coins in and try to get more to come out. I sneak up behind her and put the teddy bear infront of her. She turns round.

"What's this?" She asks me smiling.

"It's for you" i tell her grinning.

"Aww thanks Jacob" she says and leans in for a kiss.

Once we are finished in the arcade its 10pm so I walk her back to her house. When we reach her driveway she stops to talk for a minute.

"I had a really good time tonight Jacob"

"Me too I can't wait to do it again"

"Goodnight I love you"

"I love you too"

And with that she walks into her house and I walk back to mine feeling on top of the world.

It all starts with a smile (Jacob Sartorius)Where stories live. Discover now