Chapter 22

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I had just started to relax and I was just about to fall asleep...

"Lauren!!" The sound of Jacobs voice woke me up. He was carrying my in bridal position. I opened my eyes to see his smiling face. "Hold you're breath you're going for a dip"

Oh no here we go. We where now standing right next to the pool.


"No Jacob" I tried to get out of his arms but he was holding me too tightly.


I held my nose.

"One" he jumped in with me still in his arms.

I resurfaced. "Jacobb" I said pushing him.

"What I wasn't just gonna let you sun bathe all day" he said laughing.

"Where's Mark?" I said looking around.

"Oh eh he had to em go home" Jacob said looking uncomfortable.

"Okaaaay. Did you have a fight or something?"

"Kind of but it doesn't matter" he said climbing out the pool.

"Oh so I'm not allowed out the pool but you-" I was cut off by Jacob.

"CANONBALL" he screamed as he jumped into the pool.

We spent the rest of the day playing around in the pool until it was dark and I decided I needed to go home. I got out of the pool and wrapped a towel around me. I then put on my flip flops and grabbed Jacobs shirt.

"Emm that's mine" he said trying to grab it back.

"No you gave it to me it's mine now"

"I gave it to you to borrow since you didn't have any clothes" he seemed a bit pissed off.

"Well I'm keeping it bye babe" I walked round the side of the house.

"Wait" Jacob ran up to me. "Let me do this first" he kissed me. "Bye text me when you get home" he whispered.

I got home and texted Jacob. Then I showered for the second time today and got ready for bed. I decided to text Mark and ask him what happened between him and Jacob since Jacob wouldn't tell me.

Lauren- Hey Mark Jacob seemed kind of weird earlier when u left I just wanted to check is everything ok?

Mark- Yeah he just got a bit pissed about something.

Lauren- Okay I hope u sort it out

I put my phone on charge and went to sleep.


I woke up and checked my phone. I needed to talk to Mark. I had a text from him and one from Lauren.

Mark- Can I meet you today about the thing?

Jacob- Yeah I can meet u at 3?

Mark- Okay come to my house

Jacob- K

I next checked my text from Lauren.

Lauren- I need to tell u something come to my house?❤️

Jacob- I'll b there in an hour❤️

I wonder what that was about. I dragged myself out of bed and showered. I then got dressed and had breakfast. I plan on going from Lauren's to Mark's so I took some money for lunch.

I arrived at Laurens and knocked on her door. She opened it straight away and hugged me. We walked up to her bedroom and sat on her bed.

"So what do you need to tell me?" I asked her.

"Well you know how I haven't gone to school this week?"

"No I didn't even notice" I laughed.

"And also I've been getting quite big on social media"


"Well since everyone at schools been hating on me so much and there's only like three people there that like me my mom decided to let me start online school" she finished with a smile.

"Yayyy that means we can hang out so much more now" I leaned over and kissed her.

"Yes and we can do school together since we are doing the same classes" she said.

"Yay I'm so happy" I smiled. I checked the time on my phone. 2'o clock.

"Do u wanna go to chipotle for lunch?" I asked her. Chipotle was quite near Marks house.

"Sure I'll go get some money".


We walked to chipotle. It wasn't far only 10-15 minutes.

"So Jacob you are remembering it's my birthday soon?" I asked my smiling.

"Yes of course I am 28 September see I even know the date and it's 4 days before mine"

We arrived at chipotle and ordered our food. Jacob checked his phone and looked anxious.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing I need to leave in ten minutes"

"Oh why?"

"I have to go to Marks to sort something out"

"Oh right" I said remembering marks text.

We ate our food and Jacob got up to leave.

"Bye I'll talk to you tonight" he said hugging me.

"Bye" I kissed him and he left.

I've been reading lots of other fanfics recently and have got a lot of inspiration so my writing will hopefully improve.

Please comment what you think don't be a silent reader!❤️

It all starts with a smile (Jacob Sartorius)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt