Chapter 33

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"But I'm gonna get changed first so wait here" she grabs some clothes and goes into the bathroom to get changed. She reappears a minute later in jeans and a tshirt. We drive in silence to McDonald's and when we get there Lauren pulls into the drivethru.

"You don't wanna eat inside?" I ask.

"No I wanna go somewhere quiet in the car. What do you want to eat?"

"Chicken nuggets and fries" I say.

"K" she orders and we get our food then she drives to the top of a cliff thing that overlooks the town. It looks amazing at night with all the buildings lit up in the dark.

"It's so pretty" I say admiring it.

She parks so the the back of the car is facing the city. Then we get out and sit in the trunk with the door open. She cuddles up to me and we eat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"I can't believe their gone" she says quietly.

"I know me too. But you see those stars up there" I say pointing.

She nods.

"That's your mom and dad watching over you. And their always gonna be there so if your feeling down or having a really shitty day you can look up at the stars and they'll be there"

"Your right" she turns to face me. "I love you so much Jacob" she then leans in to kiss me. I kiss back and we start making out.

"I love you too" A few minutes later we're lying on the backseat of the car. She pulls off my shirt and then hers. She's so f*cking hot. She then starts to pull down my pants never breaking the kiss. I unbutton hers.

"Wait" I say pulling away. "Are you sure your ready to do this"

"Jacob we're 16 and I love you" her expression changes "wait are you ready?"

I smile "if your sure you are"

She doesn't reply she just goes back to kissing me so I assume it's a yes.


"Wow" we're both sitting in the back seat in our underwear eating the remains of our McDonald's.

"Yeah wow" she smiles "that was amazing".

I suddenly realise something "shit"

"What's wrong?"

"I didn't use a condom"


We both sit in silence.

"It's fine I'll just get the morning after pill"

"I'm so sorry Lauren. I'm so stupid. How could I forget?"

"No it's just as much my fault as it was yours. I should of realised"

"Are you sure the morning after pill will work?"

"Yeah and if it doesn't I'll get an abortion or something"

"I feel so bad"

"Jacob don't worry about it it's fine"

"We should go it's nearly 1am" I say checking the time on my phone.

"Woah we must of been doing it for ages" she giggles.

I laugh and we both get dressed. Then we get into our seats and drive back to my house.

When we get there we sneak in and go upstairs. We don't even bother getting changed we just go to sleep as soon as we get into my room.


I wake up the next day to see Lauren on the phone crying.

"Okay where?...See you at 2 then bye" she hangs up the phone.

"Who was that?" I ask.

"My auntie. I need to meet her to talk about the funeral and stuff"

"Oh do you want me to come with you?"

"No I want to do this alone" she shakes her head. "I need to leave soon"

I check the time on my phone. "But it's only 10"

"My aunt lives in Pensilvania so we're meeting half way"

"Oh right. I think I'm gonna go to your house and bring more of your stuff over for you today"


I nod.

"Thank you so much Jacob I can't bear to go back into that house again"

"Your welcome. Anything in particular that you want?"

"No just bring whatever. I don't mind"

"Okay I'm gonna go downstairs and make breakfast so it'll be ready when you are" I suddenly remember last night. "Are you gonna get the pill on your way?"

"Yeah don't worry I haven't forgotten"

"Good" I kiss her "last night was so fun" then I go downstairs and start making breakfast.

15 minutes later Lauren appears and I hand her a plate with her food and a glass of orange juice.

It all starts with a smile (Jacob Sartorius)Where stories live. Discover now