Chapter 16

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I wake up to Jacob shaking me.

"Hey wake up. I've got to go to a magcon rehearsal I'll be back in a few hours" he leans in and kisses me.

All I can think about is kissing Hunter. How did I let that happen? How could I cheat on Jacob?

"Okay bye".

Jacob walks out shutting the door behind him.

I go back to sleep since its only 8am.

I wake up again at 10 to someone knocking on the door.

I open it and see Hunter. What is he doing here? I try to shut it but he steps his foot inside and stops me.

"What do you want and why aren't you at the Magcon rehearsal?" I ask him.

"It just finished and we need to talk about last night"

"No there's nothing to talk about. Goodbye" I push him out and shut the door.

Maybe if I forget about the kiss it will go away.


I walk back to the room excited to see Lauren. Just as I turn the corner I see Hunter at the door talking to Lauren.

I hide behind the wall and try to listen to what he's saying.

"No there's nothing to talk about. Goodbye" that was Lauren and she pushes Hunter out shutting the door.

Hunter looks annoyed and walks off in the opposite direction. That's weird. What's going on between them?

I walk up to the room and knock on the door.

Lauren answers it and I immediately hug her.

"Hey I missed you"

"You saw me 2 hours ago" she says laughing.

"I know. By the way what was Hunter talking to you about?" I ask her.

Her cheeks redden. "Nothing how was the rehearsal?" She says changing the subject.

She was acting so weird.

"Umm it was good do you want to go for some breakfast?"

"Yeah I'll just go and get changed" she grabs some clothes from her bag and walks into the bathroom.


I walk into the bathroom and get changed into leggings and a crop top.

Jacob knows somethings up between me and Hunter. I really hope he doesn't find out. He would be completely heart broken if he knew I cheated on him.

I put on some makeup and walk out of the bathroom with my head held high. I just need to act like normal and forget about the stupid kiss.

"Let's go to IHOP there's one 2 minutes from here" says Jacob. 

"Okay" I say smiling at him. 

I grab my phone, room key and some money and we head out.

Me and Jacob talk about the plan for the rest of the day on the way there.

"I've got family photo op at 2pm and then the show starts a 4pm and should finish at 9pm then we'll do the same as yesterday and go back to the hotel" Jacob tells me.

"Okay and what do you want to do tomorrow?" I ask him.

"My mom isn't coming to pick us up till 4 since she's working so we should go out somewhere" he suggests.

"Yeah sounds good" I say.

We walk into IHOP and sit down at a table. We look at the menus and a woman comes to take our order.

I order chocolate chip pancakes and Jacob orders double blueberry pancakes.

Once they arrive we eat them and I manage to keep up the conversation and act like nothing's wrong.

By the time we get back to the hotel the car to take everyone to magcon has arrived.

I sit next to Jacob and Blake this time. Thank god Hunters sitting far away from me.

The ride there seems shorter this time probably because I enjoy it much more. We just dance and sing along to songs again.

When we reach the venue there is a massive queue of girls waiting already. I recognise some of them from yesterday. Wow they're committed. The boys take some pictures with them and sign there merch.

We then all go inside and the boys get ready for family photo op. I sit on a chair opposite where the photos are being taken and go on my phone.

About three quarters of the way through them taking photos I realise that I really need the bathroom so I get up to find it. I walk around getting lost and finally find it. After I finish I walk out of the door to see someone standing right in front of me.

"Hey Lauren"

Hunter. Why can't he just stay away from me?

"What is it?"

He grabs me by the waist and kisses me. For some reason I kiss back. It's wrong but something about it feels so right...

"Hunter you can't do that"

I push him off and walk away to go and find Jacob.


After family photo op is finished I realise that Lauren isn't sitting where I last saw her so I go to find her.

I'm walking round a corner when I suddenly bump right into her.

"Oh there you are" I say.

"I just went to the bathroom"

"Cool lets go and get lunch I've got half and hour before the show starts".

We go to the room that we were in last night. All the boys are in there getting stuck into the food that is layed out on the tables. We grab some plates and join them.

It all starts with a smile (Jacob Sartorius)Where stories live. Discover now